June 5 is the Danish Constitution Day, and this year it was also the Danish election.
The Danish election was basically a choice between an environment-focused center-left coalition or a right-libertarian coalition, and there was a lot at stake.
Happily the center-left coalition won.
Nearly as important, the center-left coalition won in a way, which probably will force the major party, the Social Democrats, to tone down their xenophobic tendencies, and help make the country better for immigrants and refugees.
Also nearly as important, a fascist party that had entered the election, didn’t get anyone elected. Unfortunately a far-right, xenophobic party, Ny Borgerlige, got in with 4 mandates. Happily, the existing far-right, xenophobic party, Danish Peoples’ Party, got slaughtered, and is down 21 mandates to 16 mandates.
The Guardian has a good commentary on the election results from Denmark: Europe, take note: in Denmark, the humanitarian left is on the rise
On a more personal note. As I have written before, I supported a specific candidate, Samira Nawa (link in Danish), and I am happy to report that she got elected to the Danish parliament.
Yay, thank you for some good election news!
Thank you. Now, we just awaits the actual forming of a government – might take a few weeks.
Excellent news.
After the elections so far in Israel and Australia* its really nice toread soem positive electoral news for once.
* My homeland where I am gutted and disgusted to say that the reichwing party was very unexpectedly returned due to a massive series of scare camapiagns and dirty tricks including wealthy mining robber baron Clive Palmer’s high cost advertising blitz that he later admitted was done just to stop our major left wing party the ALP from winning.
^ .. nice to read some ..
Sorry, typos. ^ Fix.