Behold what the universe hath conspired to deliver up unto me: the skull of a ravaged squirrel.
Okay, so technically it might not be the skull of a squirrel. How the hell would I know? I am not some kind of -ologist, people! Nevertheless, I am going to have to insist that it is indeed the skull of a squirrel, because it is just too perfect for my purposes. (Hey—conservatives make up their own facts all the fucking time. Why can’t I for once huh? HUH?)
And what might my diabolical purposes be, exactly? Well I wasn’t quite sure at first. But then I photographed it, the results of which you see above (watermarked). And I found it weirdly, oddly beautiful. Also kind of badass, you know? As in, evoking death and the transience of our mortal existence, or perhaps the face of some imagined alien being.
But of course what really, really pushes my button is that it’s a dead squirrel. Because let’s face it: the only good squirrel…is a dead squirrel. I ask you: could anything be more full of win?
Why, yes! Yes it can: its provenance.
My Amazing Lover™ is the proud owner of a planting bed, one that sits beyond a slatted fence and just above street level. It’s full of lovely perennial plants like crocus, white tulips, pulmonaria and some waxy-leafed ground cover I gave him, extracted from the tiny yard behind my palace on Perry Street. He keeps it well weeded, watered and mulched. One day, he said there was something he wanted to show me in the planting bed. He pointed out the disembodied skull, which had a patch of gray-brown fur and some whiskers attached. “I think it’s from a squirrel,” he said.
OMG *swoon*.
The next day we discovered it had been moved, and now rested a foot or two away. The fur patch appeared to be significantly smaller, and I could no longer make out whiskers. By the following morning it had been moved once again, and picked clean by nocturnal scavengers. Circle of life, and all that.
I could not stop thinking about it, that small skull lying in the mulch. (I am super weird. FYI.) A few days passed. My Amazing Lover™ was on his way to me, and called to ask if I needed anything. “I need that squirrel skull,” I said. Like it was the most ordinary thing to ask for in the world.
A few hours later, I was in possession of a clear ziploc bag containing my prized possession.
If that is not the ultimate sign of deep and abiding love…well, I just don’t know what is.
And because I am about nothing if not ♥♥♥sharing the love♥♥♥, I plastered that skull all over a bunch of stuff at my online store, so you too can be part of the #deathtosquirrels revolution.
Who needs pearls? You can have squirrels.
Subversive pocket square…
for all your formalwear occasions.
How’s the merch moving?
You startle me sometimes.
Wait a minute… have you ever heard of Skulls Unlimited? You can actually buy skulls and such there…
Raucous Indignation:
What? I’m sorry I can’t hear you. The reception is just terrible on my newly purchased mega-yacht.
You’re welcome. :D
Nathan: Thanks! I’m good for now, but I will keep Skulls Unlimited in mind for all my future skull purchasing needs!