I Laughed: “missing american leadership”

An {*ahem*} “writer” for the New York Timid newspaper posted one of the most laughable first few paragraphs I have seen in a long time. Who would swallop this besides those who believe in “american exceptionalism”?  The “writer” clearly sought out the only Europeans who tow the US line.

‘Sadness’ and Disbelief From a World Missing American Leadership

As images of America’s overwhelmed hospital wards and snaking jobless lines have flickered across the world, people on the European side of the Atlantic are looking at the richest and most powerful nation in the world with disbelief.

“When people see these pictures of New York City they say, ‘How can this happen? How is this possible?’” said Henrik Enderlein, president of the Berlin-based Hertie School, a university focused on public policy. “We are all stunned. Look at the jobless lines. Twenty-two million,” he added.

“I feel a desperate sadness,” said Timothy Garton Ash, a professor of European history at Oxford University and a lifelong and ardent Atlanticist.

The US has been silenced and its colonial wars for oil brought to a standstill. Nobody is complaining except for the profiteers and fanboys.

With any luck, that persistent US veto that protects Israel will cease to exist.