Spooktober 2024, Days Twelve and Thirteen


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Stephen King Style or Scary Room or Medical)

TITLE:  The God in the Alcove (it’s a Bauhaus lyric)

PREMISE:  Joshua Creighton is a psychic youth with an innate connection to other mediums, and a sense of obligation to resolve ghostly issues in the world.  He assembles a team of quirky white people (Stephen King Style) to understand and exorcise the deceased victims of an oppressive catholic hospital (Medical) where anesthesia was scorned.

HORROR ELEMENT:  There’s one room all the ghosts and ghouls avoid (Scary Room), where the Worst Thing Ever resides.  Joshua assumes it’s the priest / doctor who presided over their suffering, but the room is a portal to an alternate universe of pure evil (Alternate Dimensions).  The god-like creature that occasionally visits the threshold can, in those moments, send out psychic waves that fuck up all ghosts and mediums in the building.  What will happen if it comes all the way out of the alcove?


(× 1980s or Creepy Kid or Mascot Horror)

TITLE:  Funny Animals

PREMISE:  Shawn Voltkamp is a cartoon maniac (Creepy Kid) in 1987 (1980s) Champlain, Illinois.  Oh, thinks he, that this too solid flesh could not melt, thaw, and resolve itself into a painting on celluloid.  To be a funny animal is to be immortal, an undying jester who may tweak the nose of any and all, however one sees fit (Mascot Horror).

HORROR ELEMENT:  idk he’s bitten by a bugs bunny or some shit.  No, no, don’t do that.  Let’s say Shawn was part of a lineage of shape-shifting monsters from the Black Forest of Germany – most manifesting as werewolves (Werecreatures), but all having the possibility of choosing a different alternate form.  Shawn’s TV-demented psyche makes him into a hellish shadow chipmunk.  Howwible.

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