U Can’t Say Fanny on Telly

I’ve heard “fanny” is a dirtier word in the UK than in the US, but don’t care enough to google it.  There was a US band called Fanny back in the days of yore, which I’d never heard of, but popped up on my yewchoob recs.  The four ladies in the band were all great rock musicians, but I also think it’s especially cool that there were some biracial filipinas in the mix – the sisters on guitar and bass, June and Jean Millington.  Drummer Alice de Buhr is super cool (and now married to a woman, aww*), pianist Nickey Barclay was on some extra Ray Manzarek shit.  They really looked like a group of characters, as rockers should.  If this video plays for you, observe:

The whole playlist of that performance on some German show is available as well.  You’ll recognize some cool covers, I don’t know what of their originals were hits or how big they were at all.  I got curious and hunted down a performance by the sisters in a more recent year.  Check this out too:

Nice funky bass there.  Guitar sister can shred.  The end of the German show is the song “Special Care” (flashing light warning) which they really build to an intense climax without overstaying their welcome.  Good times and great oldies, as my extinct local oldies station used to say.

*on the rainbow representation, seems like jean-june-alice-nickey would be nope-L-L-B, if i got that right, if it matters.


  1. says

    does not carry that meaning in the US at all. here a mom might say to her son, ere he lollygaggeth in the supermarket, “move your fanny, son.” she is not telling him to move his pussy.

  2. says

    not exactly my kind either but they got me on a random kick. lately i’m enjoying experiences of feeling the humanity of people across the span of history. i think the drummer in the old lady video is the bassist’s grandson.

    unforch, ol’ jean there had a stroke and has been in poor health, last i heard. time is the enemy.

  3. chigau (違う) says

    Now I have a bunch of Fanny on my ytub suggestions.
    The comments tend to the {[what the everluvinfuk is wrong with these ppl????]}
    Yeah. Living a long time is not a picnic.

  4. says

    YouTube comments on older songs drive me bonkers. You can count on “They don’t make music like this anymore!” drivel within the first handful, with lots of upvotes and agreement. I was surprised the other day to find that this nonsense has finally entered the current century with, “this brings me back to my emo college days back in 2005..they don’t make music like this anymore” [sic]. It’s almost like a lot of people grasp onto the music of their youth and refuse to explore anything that comes out after they can legally drink in the US.

    Fortunately it’s not all of them, and there are newer bands that get “I’m 62 and I love this” comments though I have quibbles with those too (it may be a Japanese band, and the comment writes off anything coming out of North America, for example).

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