Had a very believable dream Elon Musk had leveraged wealth and affection of his fellow wealthy to be cast as the Joker in a new Batman movie. In the trailer they’d taken some Joker lines from previous films and cleverly rewritten them as an “inspirational” techbro sales pitch. His Joker costume was weird, kind of a Lego Joker kigurumi. No bueno.
Words most likely don’t do your dream justice. Get together with Marcus to produce an accurate visual representation of what you mean.
hahaha ugh. we’ll see…
closest i could get without a huge waste of effort, hope u enjoy.
“Lego Joker kigurumi,” huh? What was actually different about the look that tipped you off it was a full body suit rather than just some make-up? Childish jokes aside though, that must have been a really boring dream. He comes off kind of wooden just like a really terrible actor even when he’s saying his own lines in his own voice. Trying to actually act on top of that… Maybe it would come back around and be impressively bad?
It was a very boring joker performance, as you’d expect. i wish i was better able to get the look out of midj. it was kinda 25% katamari cousin, like, somethin outta spy kids, i dunno.
So – the very rare Robinson Crusoes and hermits aside – we do.
Pity the societies we live in are generally so broken and messed up.
Time we remedied that.
Of course saying that is so very, very much easier than achieveing that. There’s the rub..
“We Live in a Society,” in this context, is a meme associated with the joker. may or may not have originated in a seinfeld episode. used to mock people who have edgy shit takes about society, depicting them as a self-serious version of the joker, like libertarian or incel indignity will cause him to do zany or horrific crimes. Something like that.