Conservatives are Boring and Predictable

That bitch dobnal trunk is saying if u don’t vote for him democracy goes bye-bye, when any emeff with eyes has known for years now that if creeps like him or desampnis win, democracy does indeed go bye-bye.  Just another predictable predictable predictable case of right wing projection.  I’d ask if these fucklords could get a new script but they’d probably start communicating in monkey torture videos and christian music.

I tried to post a fun cheesy music video from the ’90s today and in googling “paul stanley chest hair” i had to find out about “paul stanley regurgitates christofascist-filtered terf talking points.”  If you’re gonna be a gender non-conforming transphobe, Paul, why doncha come up with something more original?  Like, “trans people are gonna take over the world with dubstep and use the cis for slave labor on the rings of saturn.”  Oh, I know why you didn’t do that.  Because you’re a boring and predictable conservative doing the most obvious shit humanly possible.

Fucking off now.


  1. Oggie: Mathom says

    That bitch dobnal trunk is saying if u don’t vote for him democracy goes bye-bye,

    I tend to listen closely, with a very jaundiced ear, to conservative’s Statements of Imminent Doom!

    — If we re-elect Obama, it will be the last election in America.
    — If we re-elect Clinton, it will be the last election in America.
    — If Biden wins, it will be the last election in America.
    — If we allow gay marriage, the divorce rate will skyrocket.
    — If we ask natural gas frackers to clean up after themselves and contribute to the upkeep of the roads, they will leave the state and all the jobs will disappear.
    — If we raise the taxes on the rich to something close to what it was in the Golden 1950s, no one will want to become rich and the economy will collapse.

    The list is endless. No matter what progress is being made, it will all end in disaster (economic or political). If a centrist or progressive wins and election, it will all end in disaster (economic or political). If we don’t cut taxes, it will all end in disaster.

    And those horrible predictions NEVER HAPPEN! We still have elections. And conservative voters never notice that their conservative politicians are always wrong in their predictions. And the news media never notice that conservative politicians are always wrong. And then they just repeat each election.

    Almost like it is a pattern or something.

  2. Oggie: Mathom says

    dobnal trunk is saying if u don’t vote for him democracy goes bye-bye,

    Hyperbole like this has been part of the conservative playbook for decades. If gay marriage is legal, every child will be forced to have a gay sexual experience. If gay marriage is legal, marriage will disappear. If Clinton is re-elected, that will be the last election America ever has. If Obama is re-elected, that will be the last election America ever has. If Trump does not get re-elected, that will be the last election America ever has. If prayer is taken out of the classroom, America will be gone in 10 years. And on and on and on and on (they need a self-help group, maybe On and On-Anon?)

    And every time that a conservative politician or religious leader (redundant?) makes a pronouncement that if a happens, b will follow, guaranteed, and b does NOT happen, do the conservative voters notice? or do they just nod their heads at the next prediction and vote for the liars again?
    Does the news media, which breathlessly reported the prediction, notice? or do they just keep right on giving air time to the predictors? One would think that, after forty or fifty years of being wrong, someone would have noticed.

  3. Oggie: Mathom says

    Sorry. I put up my post, walked my daughter’s puppy around the block, made a chopped salad for dinner (along with some steak and yellow squash), and noticed that my comment was not up, and no longer in the text box, so I tried to rewrite it. Same set of ideas, two different ways of presenting it. Sorry.

  4. Oggie: Mathom says

    double oggie time.

    Since I retired, no more going to work five days a week, no more cigars that I smoked on the porch, and no more forest fires out west that took me away for two weeks at a time. So, yeah, Wife is getting double Oggie time.

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