The Doppelpocalypse is Nigh

Content Warning: Cinematic Horror

Jordan Peele’s new movie “Us” is coming out in a few days and by rights this movie should just demolish the box office. Maybe it will, but it’s starting at a big disadvantage. When I went to buy tickets, there were no showings before 7 PM anywhere. Most theaters are only showing it once or twice a night. Why? What the fuck is that?

This movie has – no exaggeration – the best trailer I’ve seen in decades. It’s exciting as hell. I’m vibrating with anticipation for it. I’m not going to get a chance to see it until the 21st, but I got it locked in. I’m going. A borderline agoraphobic dude is braving a movie theater for the first time in nine years to see it with me. If you like horror at all – especially action-oriented horror like zombie movies – you better go too.

The original trailer is way better than the cut that aired for the super bowl. If you missed it when it dropped, drink it in here and now babies. Feel it. Jordan Peele came up with a concept similar to Invasion of the Body Snatchers but with so much more electric potential.

He’s created a new type of apocalyptic monster scenario, which the world has been in desperate need of since zombies got squeezed bone dry by every trendchasing loser in hollywood. I want there to be instagram filters to make people look like these doppelgängers. I want every artist dork on the internet to be scribbling up their doppelsonas. I want the fanfic sites to get creepy with it.

I’ve got a bunch of speculation I could get into, like you can find on youtube easily enough. But that might feel spoilerish to some of you, so I’ll leave it be. But I do want to mention something other internet heads have missed. I think the rabbits in the hall may be, in part, a small homage to a Japanese movie called Suicide Circle. Toward the end of that movie, there is a scene of surreal horror taking place in a small brightly lit space, with tiny yellow chicks running all over the floor. That movie is far from a favorite, but if I’m right, that would show the breadth of the horror content Jordan Peele has consumed on his way to becoming a master.

The Doppelpocalypse is nigh. Be there for it.

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