NaNoWriMo has a spinoff thing called Camp NaNoWriMo which runs two non-consecutive months, and I’m doin’ it, you know? Since I lowered my word goal to twenty-five thousand, it looks like I might actually win for the first time in years. I like that feeling.
I’m adding those twenty-five thou to a failed NaNo from the past, which got to seventeen thousand words. So between the two, it’ll be forty-two thou. Which isn’t a full NaNoWriMo novel, but it’s getting closer.
Anyhow, I can’t discuss the particulars of the story with my dude because it isn’t his thing, and I can see why. I’ve been pretty over the top with the lesbionic melodrama. But I’m kinda sorta proud of it just the same, so I wanted to tell somebody.
Hey everybody, I’m doing it! I’m writing a novel. First time in years. Feels good, man.
Go, GAS, go!
Oh wow that is fantastic! Go, you!
The title makes me laugh because I am currently participating in something called NaMoTaMo – National Model Tack Month. Hahaha. Looks like I might even get my project done in time. Good luck to both of us!
Thanks y’all! Wooo!
kestrel- wow. I don’t think I would have imagined such a thing to exist, but there it is. Top image result was a toy donkey with cool gear. Educational!