In “nasty things coming out of Texas” news for today, the chair of the state Republican Party, LTC Allen B. West, had this to say, which I’ve quoted in full if you don’t want to click the link:
The news has been announced that the Democrat Socialists have found and counted enough votes to declare Joe Biden the 46th President.
Biden and Harris will be similar to Barry Bonds and have a permanent asterisk by their names. Americans don’t like cheaters, and the perception of such lends itself to reality, just ask Tom Brady about Deflate=Gate.
Regardless, a Harris-Biden presidential administration serves to make my position easy. As well, Kamala and Joe will solidify the fact that Texas will only grow redder and stronger as America’s leading conservative state. If the progressive socialist left believes for one minute that Texas will acquiesce to their collectivism and tyranny, they are delusional.
Texas was born because rugged men and women fought, alone, against tyranny. We will do so again, and lead America to do so, as well. And, in two years, Texas will lead America in delivering a resounding midterm defeat to the Marxist, Socialist, Antifa-loving left.
What happened to the Democrats in Texas this election cycle is only the beginning. It’s time to “cowboy up” y’all.
I’m not going to begin to untangle all the falsehoods in this post. But I have written postcards, so if you’re a Texan and would like to press your Republican elected officials to call Mr. West out on this one, they’re here: (Scroll up that page for printing instructions.)
I am pretty much always thankful I’m not a Texan. Alan West as party chair? I did not know that, but it doesn’t do anything to make that sentiment change.
Always so sad to see a Black man pandering that strenuously to White racist tropes.
Americans don’t like cheaters, and the perception of such lends itself to reality
The second half of this sentence is very hard to parse. The only thing I can get out of it that makes any sense is “If we say it often enough, that’s just the same as if it was true.”
“Texas was born because rugged men and women fought, alone, against tyranny.”
Wasn’t Texas born because a bunch of white immigrants flooded the land and then rebelled against the Mexican government?
Good god, can we just give Texas back to Mexico?
@WMDKitty — Survivor, #5: with a hard or a soft border?
@5 “You broke it, you bought it.”
So deconstructing here :
The who and what party now? Didn’t know that either was a US political party or specifically Biden’s one which is actually the Democratic party officially -by name and nature.(Wikis) Huh, turns out there is actually a Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) organisation in the (?) United (?) States : They seem pretty good even if their colour is, aptly, red. Nothing to do with Biden’s centrist or relative to the rest of the world right wing Democratic party though.
Nup. Pretty sure neither Biden nor Harris will be changing their names to officially add asterisks, dude.
if Americans don’t like cheaters how did Trump who has repeatedly cheated in life in politics in relationships and in sport, ( etc get elected? As for “Deflate-gate”, sounds like someone is pretty deflated here certainly..
How? Exactly how will this happen?
If this Mr West thinks those words mean what he thinks they mean, he’s the delusional one. Who is advocating what now and what evidence has he for it? Seems the progressive left is advocating and respecting Democracy and the Republican here is opposing it or, IOW, siding with tyranny himself. Typical hypocrisy but worth pointing out.
Was it now? I’d say most historians would disagree. As an Aussie I have to look this up so, lessee :
When the United States purchased Louisiana from France in 1803, American authorities insisted the agreement also included Texas. The boundary between New Spain and the United States was finally set at the Sabine River in 1819, at what is now the border between Texas and Louisiana.[57] Eager for new land, many United States settlers refused to recognize the agreement. Several filibusters raised armies to invade the area west of the Sabine River.[58] In 1821, the Mexican War of Independence included the Texas territory, which became part of Mexico .. (snip) .. Many immigrants openly flouted Mexican law, especially the prohibition against slavery. Combined with United States’ attempts to purchase Texas, Mexican authorities decided in 1830 to prohibit continued immigration from the United States.[67] Illegal immigration from the United States into Mexico continued to increase the population of Texas anyway.[68] New laws also called for the enforcement of customs duties angering native Mexican citizens (Tejanos) and recent immigrants alike.[69]
The Anahuac Disturbances in 1832 were the first open revolt against Mexican rule, and they coincided with a revolt in Mexico against the nation’s president.[70] Texians sided with the federalists against the current government and drove all Mexican soldiers out of East Texas.[71] They took advantage of the lack of oversight to agitate for more political freedom. Texians met at the Convention of 1832 to discuss requesting independent statehood, among other issues.[72] The following year, Texians reiterated their demands at the Convention of 1833. ..(snip) .. During this time of political turmoil, Mexican President Antonio López de Santa Anna personally led an army to end the revolt.[79] The Mexican expedition was initially successful. General José de Urrea defeated all the Texian resistance along the coast culminating in the Goliad massacre.[80] Santa Anna’s forces, after a thirteen-day siege, overwhelmed Texian defenders at the Battle of the Alamo. News of the defeats sparked panic among Texas settlers.[81]
The newly elected Texian delegates to the Convention of 1836 quickly signed a Declaration of Independence on March 2, forming the Republic of Texas. After electing interim officers, the Convention disbanded.[82] The new government joined the other settlers in Texas in the Runaway Scrape, fleeing from the approaching Mexican army.[81] After several weeks of retreat, the Texian Army commanded by Sam Houston attacked and defeated Santa Anna’s forces at the Battle of San Jacinto.[83] Santa Anna was captured and forced to sign the Treaties of Velasco, ending the war.[84] The Constitution of the Republic of Texas prohibited the government from restricting slavery or freeing slaves, required free people of African descent to leave the country, and prohibited Native Americans from becoming citizens.
While Texas had won its independence, political battles raged between two factions of the new Republic. The nationalist faction, led by Mirabeau B. Lamar, advocated the continued independence of Texas, the expulsion of the Native Americans, and the expansion of the Republic to the Pacific Ocean. Their opponents, led by Sam Houston, advocated the annexation of Texas to the United States and peaceful co-existence with Native Americans. The conflict between the factions was typified by an incident known as the Texas Archive War.[85] With wide popular support, Texas first applied for annexation to the United States in 1836, but its status as a slaveholding country caused its admission to be controversial and it was initially rebuffed. This status, and Mexican diplomacy in support of its claims to the territory, also complicated Texas’s ability to form foreign alliances and trade relationships. … (Snip).. As early as 1837, the Republic made several attempts to negotiate annexation with the United States.[89] Opposition within the republic from the nationalist faction, along with strong abolitionist opposition within the United States, slowed Texas’s admission into the Union. Texas was finally annexed when the expansionist James K. Polk won the election of 1844.[90] On December 29, 1845, Congress admitted Texas to the U.S. as a constituent state of the Union.
Source : (Yeah, I know wiki-basics but still.. )
IOW, summarising myself from what I’ve read here : Texas was part of Mexico, broke away due to illegal American immigrants wanting to keep slaves them negotiated joining the USA following a particular man became POTUS after struggling as an independent nation.
Seems from this the Texan men and women didn’t fight alone – being aided by other Americans and esp President Polk, there were negotations as well as wars involved in creating Texas and nor did they fight against tyranny since they were fighting to keep tyrannising and owning other human beings as slaves. “Rugged” maybe applicable I guess. (Shrugs)
Or what Tabby Lavalamp noted at #4.
Since you didn’t do it before and are threatening a legitimately elected Democracy now, well, no, you won’t be, M West.
Really? How about the rest of the Left that is capitalist, not maxist? Also antifa = anti=fascist = a good ethical thing to be.
Ooooohhh! Are you being kinky now Mr West?
I’m delighted to learn from Mr. West that a majority of American voters supported socialism! I hope someone’s told Joe Biden.