No word back from either of my GOP senators, both of whom are on the Senate Judiciary Committee, regarding my previous letters about their hypocritical attempt to rush nominee Amy Coney Barrett into a seat on the Supreme Court.
That said, here’s a bit that I might add to my next round of written communication with said senators, from a recent article in The Guardian (“‘It instilled such problems’: ex-member of Amy Coney Barrett’s faith group speaks out“):
Thomas Csordas, an anthropology professor at the University of California San Diego who has studied the issues around communities like People of Praise, said it was wrong to focus attention on whether the group could be a considered a “cult” in the spirit of Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple. It was much more appropriate, he said, to examine what he called the “intentional community” of People of Praise and its nature of being “conservative, authoritarian, hierarchical, and patriarchal”.
“I think they’re potentially more dangerous and much more sophisticated [than a cult],” he said. “It is not the kind of group where submission of women to men means that they have to stay barefoot and pregnant. Instead, they have to be lawyers and judges and submissive to men at the same time. They have to be able to have a career and seven kids at the same time.”
As soon as I have the next round of postcards to elected officials drafted, I’ll put them up here. And I’ll definitely include a question about her ability to see past her belief system, since, as Prof. Csordas says, ‘She already “knows” what to think because of the patriarchal structure she was raised in.’ Which is a structure that we can’t give any more power to.
So a religion where women not only can but must have it all – except control over their own lives? Yikes.
Thanks for this sounds interesting & will read later.
^ Edit : Where women not only can but must whether they want to or not.