You’re the opposition party, so your role is to oppose
If you do it well, you save us from disaster;
But “we’ll try to work together, on some issues, I suppose”
Is a way to get to Armageddon faster. [Read more…]
You’re the opposition party, so your role is to oppose
If you do it well, you save us from disaster;
But “we’ll try to work together, on some issues, I suppose”
Is a way to get to Armageddon faster. [Read more…]
They’re declaring a war against science
Cos there’s truths that they’d rather deny
So we have to step up our defiance
Or some innocent people will die [Read more…]
The office was filled with white men in black suits
With their power ties (probably China’s)
Their agenda is evil; they’re known by their fruits
And they’ve just declared war on vaginas [Read more…]
So, Spicer (and Trump) are caught lying, denying
The things we could see with our very own eyes;
Of course, Trump would find “ours is bigger” a trigger
(The man has some sort of fixation with size).
But everyone knows, for this rally, the tally
Was larger than his was–a vast sea of pink!
So Trump made a move like some Cheeto Benito:
Control what they’re told, you control what they think [Read more…]
Come out for The Donald, ye every last chump,
Who found yourself reasons and voted for Trump!
With gold-plated ego, his own horn a-tootin’,
He swept from his tower, assisted by Putin.
Now the cry has gone up, and grows louder each day
From the citizens: “Please, can Obama just stay?”
[Read more…]
The media sorts gave their sober reports
That today’s situation is dire;
The POTUS-elect, we must surely expect
Is a con man whose pants are on fire
Whose history shows (and now everyone knows)
He’s a rampant and dangerous liar! [Read more…]
’Twas the night before xmas, and all through Trump Tower
The underlings dreaded the Three AM hour
They knew that their boss, on his gold-plated shitter
Was busy composing some insult on Twitter
(Since no one would dare to sequester his phone
While he sat on his crapper, he’s safely alone)
And no one—not family, and not secret service—
Could stop him (which made all the underlings nervous). [Read more…]
I cancelled today's meeting with the failing @nytimes when the terms and conditions of the meeting were changed at the last moment. Not nice
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2016
The POTUS-elect has been tweeting, repeating
The pure propaganda which spews from the right. [Read more…]
I know, I’ve been quiet. I figured the last thing people needed was another privileged voice, so I have been doing much more reading and listening. Wednesday my students were in shock, and in tears. Cuttlespouse didn’t eat for 2 days, didn’t leave the house until yesterday. It’s depressing… and we are *not* amongst the groups specifically in the GOP’s crosshairs. So I’m not going to tell anyone “it will be ok”, and I am not going to tell anyone to “give him a chance”. [Read more…]