The praying mom is back. For context, here’s the earlier story.
Of course, some local Christians
Want the praying mom to stay
So they found a Christian lawyer
And they argued she could pray
Since the school administration
Didn’t want a Christian riot,
They decided she could pray each day
As long as she stayed quiet.
A mother who was told she can no longer pray on the steps of her children’s high school in New Hampshire has returned, but is praying in silence.
Chris Rath, district superintendent, said staff will monitor Urena’s actions on a daily basis to see if they are in line with campus visitor and religious policies.
‘‘We continue to work with her on a regular basis about how she can come and go from the high school in ways that respect both her ideas and our ideas,’’ Rath said.
Since she has no legitimate reason for hanging around on school grounds she should be arrested for trespassing like any other drug peddler.
According to the Concord Monitor, she signs in and signs out like any other parent, so it’s arguable she’s not getting special treatment. The administration are watching her, though, to see whether they can continue to allow her presence and follow the law.
Ah, but that doesn’t count for real Christians does it? Real Christians like to put on a show don’t they? And then some namby pamby Jesus Christ comes along and tries to put a stop to it all. Cheeky little bugger. Who is he to tell an American mom what’s in the bible?
That’s nothing but grandstanding.
Praying is really talking to an idiot, yourself
@ grumpyoldfart:
I wonder what the school policy is about approved demonstrations. It’d be great to see that verse on placards held by silent students while she prays. Maybe she’d learn something about her own faith.
Do they have an SSA-like group, by any chance? :)
It would be too funny if students picked up PatrickG’s suggestion.