"The stubborn persistence of chauvinism in our life and letters is or ought to be the proper subject for critical study, not the occasion for displays of shock." - C. Hitchens
You know, there is something really strange about that image that I can’t quite put my finger on. Maybe it’s the slight pulsing of his body as the frame starts over, like he’s being sucked backward.
Sally Strangesays
Very nicE! (I assume it’s ok to since he’s posing)
I wonder what he does to work his torso between his navel and pecs?
I didn’t expect to be so creeped-out by an animated gif. Something about the way it’s put together is doing some kind of Uncanny Valley thing to my brain. The movement seems unnaturally smooth.
Never mind, actually I don’t have anything at all to say.
Dagnab it, now I saw it too and I can’t make it unseen!! This subtle suck-backwards-thing is creeping me out xD
…oh gods.
So now Thursday will be seared into my brain as apple/banana day.
You know, there is something really strange about that image that I can’t quite put my finger on. Maybe it’s the slight pulsing of his body as the frame starts over, like he’s being sucked backward.
Very nicE! (I assume it’s ok to since he’s posing)
I wonder what he does to work his torso between his navel and pecs?
OT – why is my icon a hideous tongue face?
These are automatically generated. I can change it back to random fractals, but I find these more fun.
If you don’t have a Gravatar, a random potentially hideous one will be assigned to you. ~;>
I didn’t expect to be so creeped-out by an animated gif. Something about the way it’s put together is doing some kind of Uncanny Valley thing to my brain. The movement seems unnaturally smooth.
Never mind, actually I don’t have anything at all to say.
Dagnab it, now I saw it too and I can’t make it unseen!! This subtle suck-backwards-thing is creeping me out xD