The gentleman visiting from Perth

Brianne [note for Decker: another colleague] is in Melbourne for a month. Here’s her first blog post on arriving, written in the middle of the night at a hamburger place because jet lag.

Really though, this jet lag stuff has been the most fabulous thing in the world. I went to a busy noodle shop called Bar China at about 1:30am, and now I’ve landed at a Burger Jack’s… in downtown Melbourne… at bar close.

So far I’ve spoken with different groups of people about the names of American cities, gun politics, environmental extremism, gay marriage and gaming. I should mention that I haven’t had to start any of these conversations. Partying Melburnians who visit this Hungry Jack’s seem to be a friendly, chatty lot, and all I have to do to generate a conversation is to respond to a “hello” in my American accent, aaaaaand we’re off! Also, PAX-Australia apparently just ended and this gentleman – visiting from Perth for the convention – was kind enough to let me take a photo of him in his awesome t-shirt for the blog.

And guess what’s on the T shirt.

The t-shirt has a photo of a woman in a tight body suit with a weapon on her shoulder within the international no symbol. Underneath text reads Cosplay ≠ Consent

And that happened completely at random.

Makes me feel more optimistic.

Anyway, I look forward to following Brianne’s adventures. I love following people’s adventures in new places.


  1. FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!) says

    Here in rural Victoria it’s not so enlightened. Sadly, the rural-conservative, urban-liberal stereotype has its roots in reality.

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