
  1. Jackie the wacky says

    Because when women plan ahead and leave men as quickly as possible, it’s to fuck strange dudes, not because of this:

    …and what’s with the dig at the weight women gain during pregnancy?

    Does she not realize that “Women only care about their health or appearance if they are cheating” is exactly what abusers tell their victims?

    I had a friend who was not allowed to shower because her abusive husband believed that.

  2. Al Dente says

    She totally convinced me. If my wife loses some weight I’m definitely going to talk to the baseball coach about helping me lose weight as well. Or is that not what she’s talking about?

  3. Kevin Kehres says

    Part of me wants to think she’s a smart cookie who takes MRA money knowing they haven’t a snowball’s chance in hell of winning their cases. Like criminal lawyers who defend sure-as-sunrise-guilty clients. I knew one of those guys — had a house in the Hamptons.

    It’s the system, doncha know? Everyone’s entitled to legal representation … at a price.

    All those lovely billable hours. Going from them to her. She probably drives a Rolls.

  4. Kevin Kehres says

    And let me make this clear in case Ms. York reads this. I’m not accusing her of anything untoward or unethical. I’m sure she gives her clients exactly the representation they deserve and works as an effective advocate in strict accordance with the Constitution, applicable laws, and courtroom rules of procedure.

    …at a price. What? $200 an hour? $250? Maybe as high as $350.

    Lovely, beautiful equal-rights-for-men billable hours.

    Gotta love our system of justice.

  5. says

    Part of me wants to think she’s a smart cookie who takes MRA money knowing they haven’t a snowball’s chance in hell of winning their cases. Like criminal lawyers who defend sure-as-sunrise-guilty clients.

    Criminal lawyers defend their clients because it’s their duty, because every defendant needs to be defended in court, and because it is necessary for our justice system to even come close to working fairly and effectively. This idiot has no such excuse, so please don’t confuse her laughable antics with standard criminal defense work.

  6. johnthedrunkard says

    She seems determined to attract the most dysfunctional, delusional, and non-compliant clients she can possibly get. Perhaps she deserves them.

    Of course, people DO do appalling things in divorces. Somewhere out there, there might actually be some innocent lad being set up by the evil witch he married…so that would take care of her first week in practice. Then what?

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