Keep Health Care Safe and Secular

Here’s a much-needed campaign, run by CFI.

Yes, do.

Right now health care is beset by two plagues:

  1. The imposition of religious dogma on health care, resulting in limited access to and even the denial of medical services;
  2. The shameless marketing of sham remedies, sold as “natural” or “traditional” cures, often accompanied by the rejection of scientifically proven treatments.

We need to come together to fight for health care based on sound, scientific principles.

We need a campaign to keep health care safe and secular.

Keep Health Care Safe and Secular is harnessing the talent, intelligence, and enthusiasm of people who want to ensure that our health care is focused on effective remedies and proven outcomes. We’re educating the public, the media, and policy-makers about the threat of misinformation, dogma, and quackery. And we’ve created this website to provide you with the information you need and the actions you can take, right now, to help keep health care safe and secular.

This is your health. This is your life. This is your campaign.

Separation of church and health care, stat.


  1. Pierce R. Butler says

    Right now health care is beset by two plagues:

    Right off, they start by denying corporatization and other manifestations of greed and exploitation?

    Piss on CFI and their libertarian propaganda.

  2. says

    @Pierce Yeah I was going to mention “Free” or “Accessible” (are there “s” synonyms for those things to keep the alliteration?) but I thought that was a little outside the scope of the campaign–didn’t twig there was a reason behind that.

  3. jedibear says

    @Pierce #2

    It says “two plagues” not “only two plagues.” That means it doesn’t claim to be a comprehensive list.

    Fucking logic, how does that work?

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