American Atheists has an urgent request

From Dave Muscato of AA:

We have an urgent message for anyone who may be in a position to help.
Please assist us in spreading the word.

We need to contact anyone who is related to an atheist or other
nonbeliever who died in the terrorist attacks on September 11. This is
extremely time-sensitive.

We need the names of atheist victims of the attacks, and we need
contact information for relatives who knew them personally and can
vouch for the fact that they were nonbelievers.

If you have contact with anyone who knows a victim from 9/11, please
contact us immediately.

Our phone number is 908-276-7300 extension 7, or email
[email protected]. Again this is extremely time-sensitive.

Thank you and please help us spread the word about this to anyone whom
you think is in a position to help.

Dave Muscato
Public Relations Director
American Atheists, Inc.
908-276-7300 X7 | [email protected]


  1. chrislawson says

    Any idea why this is so time-sensitive? Is there some story/idea behind the request?

  2. R Johnston says


    I’d guess it has to be the 9/11 cross appeal. A 90 day deadline since the initial ruling is rapidly approaching.

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