Bill has spoken

Wahay – Bill Donohue (who likes to call himself “The Catholic League”) says there’s no sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic church! Whew, we can all pack up and go home.

Bill Donohue comments on the 2012 Annual Report by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on the subject of sexual abuse:

The survey, done by an institute at Georgetown University, shows how utterly absurd it is to maintain that the Catholic Church continues to have a problem with priestly sexual abuse. Of the nearly 40,000 priests in the U.S., there were 34 allegations made by minors last year (32 priests, two deacons): six were deemed credible by law enforcement; 12 were either unfounded or unable to be proven; one was a “boundary violation”; and 15 are still being probed. Moreover, in every case brought to the attention of the bishops or heads of religious orders, the civil authorities were notified.

And we can be totally sure of all that, because Bill Donohue. We can also be totally sure that all children who were abused strode confidently and happily up to the police sergeant’s desk to report it. We have no need whatsoever to worry that there might be any children who have been intimidated by priests into shutting the purgatory up lest god tear them into pieces and eat them.

Anyone who knows of any religious, or secular, organization that has less of a problem with the sexual abuse of minors these days should contact the Catholic League. We’d love to match numbers.

He’s so funny, the way he says “we” when he means himself.


  1. screechymonkey says

    I don’t know, I’m inclined to agree that the Church apparently has “no problem” with priestly sexual abuse. I don’t think it bothers them one bit.

  2. Ulysses says

    As usual Donohue is creating a smokescreen to cover the church’s crimes. It makes no difference whether his numbers are true or not. What matters is that over the centuries the Catholic Church has harbored and protected predatory priests. What that means is that the Catholic Church itself is an accessory to those crimes and has lost all moral authority. The extent of the coverups can only lead one to conclude that pretty much the entire church hierarchy was involved or at least had knowledge of the crimes.

  3. dmcclean says

    This is childish, but really Bill Donahue? “and 15 are still being probed.”?

  4. says

    I’m almost willing to believe that there were only a few credible, actionable reports last year. Speaking optimistically, it might mean that the Church has finally dealt with the problem and mostly stopped it happening (hey, I said I was being optimistic). Still doesn’t erase the thousands of known cases in past decades, and the hundreds of priests involved, and the coverups of same.

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