Because it’s too funny to blush unseen in a comment, Anthony K on the coming utopia when we will all pick up the phone, instead.
This is great!
Problem with Jenny McCarthy’s anti-vaxxerism? Give her a ringy-dingy.
Don’t like Pope Francis’ take on condoms, abortion, or same-sex marriage? Call him up and say ‘Ciao’.
Ken Ham’s creationism got you down? Chat him up over coffee.
Unless one subscribes to a Manichean worldview in which there are atheoskeptics to which such friendly benefit-of-the-doubting applies and everybody else to which it doesn’t, these policies spell the end of professional atheoskepticism, ostensibly to be replaced by a massive call centre.
“Hi, Judd Miller? This is Anthony K, calling on behalf of the International Brotherhood of Atheists and Skeptics. Yes, I’m calling in regard to a recent rally you held to preserve the white race from Jewish infiltration? Yes, I’m calling to correct a few misapprehensions you may be holding about Jews—*click*! Damn. *Dials another number* Hi, Judith Miller, this is Anthony K, calling on behalf of the International Brotherhood of Atheists and Skeptics. Yes, how are you? I’m sorry if I caught you at dinner and over a decade too late, but I wanted to chat with you about how you were wrong with regard to the WMDs—*click*! Damn. *Dials another number* Hello, Gregory Millhearn? Yes, this is Anthony K calling on behalf of the International Brotherhood of Atheists and Skeptics. I understand you wrote a letter to the editor in the Podunk Star Tribune Herald about a link between high voltage power transmission lines and birth defects in the latest litter by your cat mittens? Yes, I’m giving you the courtesy of a telephone call to correct some misinformation…”
But I am curious: if the idea is to protect the church from public embarrassment at all costs, why not just phone up the Vatican and get a copy of their handbook?
NitricAcid says
I remember reading a book of practical jokes that claimed that you could call the Vatican and leave a prayer request on an answering machine for him. This was in the context of promoting a prank where you phoned someone, recorded their answering machine message, and then called a second person, leaving the first person’s answering machine greeting as a message on the second person’s answering machine. Never bothered to call the pope to find out.
yazikus says
After reading this post I now have Raffy’s Banaphone stuck in my head complete with the line “we’ll call the white house, have a chat”. And a children’s song is exactly where the whole ‘just give them a call’ mentality belongs.
great1american1satan says
Let us close this open letter and toss it in the shredder.
Giliell, professional cynic says
The real question is:
Why didn’t they just pick up the phone but decided to post an open letter on the internet?
A Hermit says
Stephanie Zvan has an excellent post about the letter here: