Some interesting comments on Rebecca’s post yesterday on the SCA and Vacula.
Voice for Men? How about a Voice for White People, a Voice for Christians, and a Voice for the Wealthy? Oh yes, we must always ensure that those who are already privileged in society get to yell louder then their opponents, to maintain the status quo in society, even if they are abusive and dishonest.
To which nymchimpsky replies:
What about the straight people? WHY DON’T YOU CARE ABOUT THEM?
*weeps for the straight people*
Of course there are equivalents of Voices for white people, rich people, Christians, and straight people…But they don’t call themselves A Voice for. (The one for rich people pretty much calls itself the US government, frankly.)
Bjarte Foshaug makes a good point (as he so often does) –
…when the haters, and hyperskeptics and false-equivalence-spouting bothsiders go on about keeping politics/ideology out of atheism/skepticism, we should not let them get away with framing the most conservative and outright reactionary views imaginable as the “unpolitical”, “non ideological” position.
Nor should we buy into the “let bygones be bygones” view when nothing has changed.
frogmistress says
I’m all for giving someone a second chance. But, I have seen absolutely nothing that would suggest that Vacula thinks he did anything wrong. So, why would we think his behavior would be different in the future?
Ophelia Benson says
Indeed. In fact we’ve seen the opposite – he’s retweeted Bridget Gaudette’s defense of him, for instance.
Rodney Nelson says
Not only has Vacula not admitted doing anything wrong, it’s up to the victim to grant the second chance. When Surly Amy offers Vacula a second chance, then it’ll be worth something.
R Holmes says
Jean Kazez’s latest blog post names no names but seems apt:
Ophelia Benson says
Hmmyes, very apt.
@ 3 – or when I do, for another example. He misrepresented me ina podcast and when I objected, he didn’t correct the misrepresentation, but rather “invited” me to come on his podcast to make my case. No that’s not how that works. If you misrepresent me, I don’t have to come to your house and hang out with you before you set the record straight. The onus is on you to set the record straight. I don’t want to go on his podcast and talk to him; I dislike him. I want him to set the record straight.
bjartefoshaug says
Thanks for the quote, Ophelia 🙂
I’ve made this point several times before. The shitstorm that’s currently tearing apart the atheist/skeptical movements is far too often framed as a conflict between those who want to get involved in social justice issues and those who don’t, when, in fact, the anti-FTB/Skepchick/A+ crowd are very much involved, only on the opposite side (a.k.a. the wrong side). There is nothing “unpolitical”, or “neutral”, or “non-ideological” about that.
To repeat myself even more, if someone prefers to focus strictly on empirical claims and leave the fight for social justice to others, I don’t think many FTB/Skepchick/A+ sympathizers have a problem with that (If so, I haven’t seen it). However, if they don’t want the battle for social justice to be fought at all and actively oppose anyone who wants to wage it, that most definitely is an ideological position, and an extremely reactionary one at that.
Francisco Bacopa says
Seriously there is no “shitstorm that’s currently tearing apart the atheist/skeptical movements”. There are those like me who naively assumed that the stated A+ goals were always part of the movement and never knew otherwise until the stupidity of Elevatorgate. Others were not so innocent and understand the need to fullfil the A+ goals. and there are a vocal handful of poo-flinging monkeys who will be left behind, but I hardly think them capable of making a shitstorm.
briane says
@6, the whole backlash against A+/social justice is conservative. They have their cushy clique, and they’re not going to share it, or treat those nasty females as equal. After all, if they can’t hit on chicks at any point in time, no matter what the lady in question might want, they might miss out on an opportunity to…well, get rejected for being a dick I guess.
briane says
Eppur si muove.
Ophelia Benson says
Hahaha, that’s a good one, Brian.
xmaseveeve says
I agree with Ophelia that Bjarte made an excellent point. Since I was very young, I’ve noticed that whenever someone says something to the ‘left’ of a person with whom he or she is arguing (and I grew up in a family of communists, Communists, even, who spoke up all the time) they were suddenly accused of being ‘political’. Those further to the right don’t think that they are being ‘political’. They may see themselves as liberals, but defending the status quo is often seen as neutral. Apathy is all.
Everything is political. It’s seen as bad form to rock the boat, or to want to allow anyone else on board. Stressful day, so too much red wine. Goodnight.
bjartefoshaug says
I couldn’t agree less. Here’s just a small sample of comments from Stephanie’s petition against giving Vacula a leadership position in SCA:
And this appointment is only the latest word in a long and hideous novel. So how many non-assholes can the atheist/skeptical movement afford to lose before it constitutes “tearing the movement apart”, and how large a proportion of the people remaining in the movement can be assholes before it’s no longer worth saving anyway?
They already have (Ask Rebecca Watson or Jen McCreight if they think is “shitstorm” is too strong a word for what they’ve been through). As it stands the “poo-flinging monkeys” and their defenders include the most influential atheist alive (*cough*dearmuslima*cough*) and the leader of at least one major skeptical organization (“distasteful locker room banter”, “a few women recounting sexual exploits”) as well as a large number of lesser luminaries like Kirby, Blackford, Stangroom, Coyne etc. And, as we have just seen, being a poo-flinging monkey is still no obstacle to being offered a leadership position in one of America’s largest secular organizations.
ewanmacdonald says
Excellent post at @12. Another point is this: let’s say, for the sake of argument, that those who are interested in social justice issues and the avoidance of misogyny were able to form a coherent, single group, and express its will to operate separately from those who disagree. (I’m neither saying that this will happen nor that it should happen, so keep that in mind.) What would the outcome be?
The outcome would be that those who disagree would double down on their efforts. It has been made explicit by supposed allies, by leaders in the movement, that they are entitled to our support, and that choosing to focus on matters that do not interest them is to deprive them of their birthright. We would not be left alone. The slimebags would continue slimebagging, safe in the knowledge that the ersatz respectable frowny-faces in leadership positions will either bothsides the hell out of them or tut quietly and say “boys will be boys.”
This viewpoint is summarised best (as it were) by Ronald A. Lindsay. Google “Divisiveness Within The Secular Movement” to find the source for the quote below (I’m not posting a link in case it causes my comment not to load). Emphasis mine:
ewanmacdonald says
Blockquote fail. After the bold “divisive impact” we’re back to me talking. Sorry.