Walker’s crowning achievement

I forgot to say about the judge’s ruling that threw out Wisconsin’s anti-union no collective bargaining for you law.

The law, Walker’s crowning achievement, made him a national conservative star. It took away nearly all collective bargaining rights from most workers and has been in effect for more than a year.

Because nobody is allowed to do any collective bargaining except bosses and owners and CEOs and lobbyists. The people on top can collective bargain! The people on the bottom cannot! That’s how God wants it, also the Chamber of Commerce and the Supreme Court.

But the judge didn’t agree. A good thing for a change.


  1. dirigible. says

    “The people on top can collective bargain!”

    The plot of “Atlas Shrugged” in a nutshell…

  2. smrnda says

    I can never figure out why so many working people are conservatives; that has to take about as much cognitive dissonance as religion. I’ve heard people complain all about work, how their boss treats them, and then go out and explain why it’s important to vote Republican so that the government will stop interfering in business.

  3. eric says

    I can never figure out why so many working people are conservatives; that has to take about as much cognitive dissonance as religion.

    No, not really. They vote based on how they see themselves in the future, that’s all. A poor person who votes against taxes on the rich does so because they expect/assume that one day, they’ll be rich.

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