Preserving masculinity in a society pimped by feminism

The SPLC takes a cautious look at misogyny on the web.

The website was launched in 2008 as a “parody website for people who take their gender too seriously.” (It is not related to the MTV Reality Show Guy Code, which had its debut in 2011). Its impresarios describe themselves as “a group of men dedicated to preserving masculinity in a society trying to be pimped by feminism”; its name was inspired by a line spoken by Vince Vaughn in the 2003 movie “Old School”: “It’s guy code. Guys don’t tell on other guys. It’s something chicks do. You’re not a chick, are you?”

Hmm. Already I want to be elsewhere.

…the articles that appear under the heading “Women’s Studies” and “Whiny Feminists” are overtly political — and grossly misogynistic. “How to Smack a Bitch” by “Matt Stone” (many of the site’s pieces are bylined “Matt Stone” and “Trey Parker,” which presumably are pseudonyms) seems more like a specimen from a sociopath’s case file than a satire — and it suggests a definition of masculinity that is troubling, to say the very least. There’s an obvious similarity to some of the woman-bashing sites in the so-called “manosphere” of certain sectors of the men’s rights movement.

Most of the essay consists of deadpan descriptions of the characteristics of 10 different “bitch slapping” techniques, each illustrated with a color photograph of a woman’s swollen, bruised and bleeding face: “The Classic Bitch Smack”; “the Pimp Slap” (“if your woman was working and needed to be somewhat presentable the pimp smack takes place on the left or right side of the face without causing ocular damage”); “The Johnny Wad Slap” (“for those guys who are not pleased sexually in bed … first used in the early 1970s with female porn stars”); “The Where’s My Dinner Bitch Slap”…


The way we live now.



  1. F says

    a society trying to be pimped by feminism

    WTF does that even mean? It seems not to make sense in several ways, not least of which is the usage of to pimp.

  2. ckitching says

    Is this Poe’s Law in effect and mocking the MRA crowd by trying to intentionally be too extreme, or do they simply hate feminists? Ever since I read that post that manboobz linked to about how “scented candles are misandry”, I’ve realized that it’s probably completely impossible to satirize these people.

  3. islandstrust says

    Is this all new online? Misogyny and how to beat a woman is nothing new (rule of thumb, anyone?). But coming together and devoting websites to it, how to manuals, endless apologetics and even celebrations, is this coming together in a new movement kind of way? A Tea Party for the abusers lobby?

    When people openly debate a site like A Voice for Men as Crommunist is right now, and some skeptics hop merrily between that site and the A/S movement, I wonder.

  4. islandstrust says

    Oh, they hate feminists alright. Declaredly so. But how can one ever out-satirize a sentence like “I can only hope that using this word [misogynist] to silence and shame someone you disagree with someday reaches the same public regard as coming right out and calling your opponent “nigger.””

  5. Scrutationary_ Archivist says

    That “Guy Code” is pretty awful. Besides hatred of women, the long list of regulated and prohibited behaviors demonstrates a serious amount of homophobia. And their grammar and spelling mistakes show that these dudes are not the swiftest Tarheels in the running.


  6. Crystal says

    Guys, if it’s described as a “parody website for people who take their gender too seriously”, doesn’t that make it pretty clear it’s a parody of all those MRA/VoiceforMen type sites?

  7. GrogSwum says

    WTF does that even mean? It seems not to make sense in several ways, not least of which is the usage of to pimp.”

    It’s not supposed to make sense. It’s meant to illicit a knee-jerk reaction and appeal to prejudice. Basically, propaganda.

  8. ckitching says

    doesn’t that make it pretty clear it’s a parody of all those MRA/VoiceforMen type sites?

    Except the MRA types often say that about feminists, too. They’re just impossible to parody. Just when you think you’ve seen the height of stupidity, someone tops it.

  9. jose says

    The extreme hatred sites admit no discussion, but I’ve seen the sentiment of “how to preserve masculinity once feminism takes over” many times in otherwise normal people, like husbands who claim to have been “de-balled” by their working, high-income wives.

  10. Illuminata, Genie in the Beer Bottle says


    You’re looking for No one hates men more than they do. Also, anything with the words “men’s rights” in it should do. They’ll tell you all about how weak, ineffectual, lazy and stupid – but also somehow violent, aggressive, selfish and cruel men are and that’s why women should have to do everything for them and/or why women should be kept in the home.

    Also, you can learn about how to beat and/or rape your ex-wife and get away with it, together with deliberately brainwashing your children to hate their mother, so you can game the judicial system.

  11. johnthedrunkard says

    Last I checked I still have paired chromosomes X and Y.

    Masculinity? Q.E. fuckin’ D.

    How on earth could this require ‘defending?’ Especially defending by morons like these?

  12. says

    You know, it’s almost as if these people are guys who’ve managed to develop normal sexual urges, yet emotionally are stuck back in third grade, thinking girls have cooties.
    As a result, the sexual desire has no natural outlet, but only leads to frustration.

    It’s very odd.

  13. says

    Illuminata, there are a plethora of feminists sites with incredibly anti-male and hateful stuff. I have read numerous blogs and posts about feminists wanting to castrate all men, exterminate all men, etc.

    So yeah, I agree a lot (all?) of the MRA sites that I have seen are at least a bit, if not entirely, misogynistic. I just don’t see it as being fair to target them for hate while ignoring feminists sites that state far worse than the MRA sites do.

  14. demonhellfish says

    Eldin Alvere @21,

    there are a plethora of feminists sites with incredibly anti-male and hateful stuff [emphasis mine]

    Cite at least two, with links.

    I have read numerous blogs and posts about feminists wanting to castrate all men, exterminate all men, etc.

    Great, can you link to even one of them?

    You’re full of shit.

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