
  1. sailor1031 says

    I’d love for the Mittster to open a window in an airplane – preferably one travelling 500 knots at 40,000 feet. But I guess his big fat head would just stuck in the opening and prevent further decompression – or maybe not. Remember Goldfinger?
    Anyway hasn’t this moron heard of oxygen masks? they have them on most aircraft now – even puddlejumpers.

  2. jimvj says

    Why do news outlets use inflammatory words like “slams”, “blasts”, “hits”, etc, in their headlines?
    As in “X slams Y on budget proposal”

    Really annoying!

  3. Blondin says

    “This is [the] time for a president who will shape events in the Middle East, not just be merciful or be at the mercy of the events of the Middle East. I will get America on track to have the kind of leadership we need so we can shape the future of this part of the world and keep America strong.”

    This from the guy who said (in reference to Israeli/Palestinian strife) that all he could do as president is “kick the ball down the field.”

  4. Blondin says

    Why do news outlets use inflammatory words like “slams”, “blasts”, “hits”, etc, in their headlines?

    I agree. These sort of attention-seeking headlines are probably at least partially responsible for the escalation of trivial disagreement or any form of criticism into “attacks” and “bullying”.

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