Next (that is, this next, approaching, this year) November 30 to December 2 is Eschaton 2012, in Ottawa, presented by the Centre for Inquiry Ottawa. Look who will be speakers!
- P.Z. Myers
- Ophelia Benson
- Chris DiCarlo
- Ian Cromwell
- Natalie Reed
- Udo Schuklenk
- Eugenie Scott
- Jim Linville
- Sara Mayhew
- Larry Moran
- Jeff Shallit
- Eric MacDonald
- Ania Bula
- Heina Dadabhoy
- The Reality Check
- Annie Urban
- Allan Daoust
- Crystal Beauvais Daoust
- Anila Asghar
- Steve Tomlins
and more to come….
Eric! Udo! Crommunist, PZ, Larry Moran, Genie Scott. Good eh? I didn’t know Eric and Udo were going, so I’m excited.
Ibis3, denizen of a spiteful ghetto & member of the Oppressed Sisterhood fanclub says
OMG (there must be one if you are all coming to my home fucking town)!! Woohoo! Ack. I hope the weather cooperates. Oooh, but I can drive up a couple days early if necessary and stay at my uncle’s place in Kemptville. Woohoo! Did I say that? Now I just gotta save up some money.
Improbable Joe says
They’re not calling it BullyFest 2012?
SC (Salty Current), OM says
Wouldn’t that be this November 30 to December 2?
Kels says
Crommunist tempted me with this earlier, now I guess I have to find a way to afford it. It’s not like I’d have to travel for it.
Ophelia Benson says
Yikes. This post seems to have inspired Jeremy’s latest #FTBullies tweet –
Zing. Very true; I have zero advanced degrees; I’m totes undereducated. But the jeer is odd coming from a guy who once called me “elitist” for using the word “quotidian.” Also, on another occasion, for quoting a line from Lucretius.
jenniferphillips says
Yuck (re: Ophelia @ #5)! Of course, Jeremy always has precisely the right amount of education and eruditeness for *any* occasion. How I envy him.
I also note on Twitter that Surly Amy is getting some meatspace shit at TAM right now for…I don’t know what exactly. Showing up? Not bringing more women along with her? Not wearing a snarky t-shirt? Not burning Rebecca in effigy at the front entrance?
Ophelia Benson says
Yes, I saw that too, and did my best to send Amy some love. I also got in a brawl with someone I met at Women in Secularism, an attendee – who’s at TAM and had done a TAM tweet saying she’s a feminist not a Watsonist.
Farking hell. I liked her when we met! She’s an ex-Muslim type, and I connected her with like-minded people on Twitter, such as Alom Shaha and Billoislove. But it turns out she thinks there’s such a thing as a “Watsonist.”
Pierce R. Butler says
jenniferphillips @ # 6: … Surly Amy is getting some meatspace shit at TAM right now …
Rebecca Watson strikes again!
Improbable Joe says
You’re totally uneducated. Unlike people who have advanced degrees in scientific fields like Banachek, Evan Bernstein, Robert Blaskiewicz, Bryan Bonner & Matthew Baxter, Kelly Carlin, Hai-Ting Chinn, Miranda Celeste Hale, Sean Faircloth, Julia Galef, D. J. Grothe… starting to see a pattern yet?
Ophelia Benson says
Well Miranda has an MA in English and I have no advanced degrees at all, which I’m pretty sure was Jeremy’s point – why is CFI Ottawa inviting an undereducated, over-indulged pig like me to a conference.
BLS Nelson says
I would go if it weren’t for the fact that Ottawa creeps me out on a visceral level. It’s like Valley of the Dolls.
Ophelia Benson says
Really? I’m kind of excited about going there, but then I get excited about going almost anywhere. (Las Vegas was a tough one though, I gotta say. To me that’s Valley of the Dolls.) I managed to find Orlando kind of exciting, even though I never left the airport.
I wish you’d go anyway. Grumble.
Ibis3, denizen of a spiteful ghetto & member of the Oppressed Sisterhood fanclub says
Ottawa? Creepy? Really? I can’t see it.
I’m sorry to say that the end of November is probably the worst time for visiting. You miss out totally on the beauty of spring and summer, on the fall colour display, on winter lights and skating on the canal. It will likely be too chilly to do much walking around sight seeing (especially for those used to a milder climate). Still, even so, it’ll be worth the trip. The hotel isn’t very far from the Museum of Nature, Parliament Hill, or even the National Art Gallery.
Seanna Watson says
I must say that I have never heard anyone call Ottawa “creepy”.
Anyway, as Ibis3 points out, there are a bunch of great tourist attractions near the conference venue, including the newly renovated Museum of Nature ( which is just a few blocks from the hotel. As a matter of fact, the Museum of Nature is the site of our Saturday evening gala, which features a talk by PZ Myers, followed by social activities including access to some of the galleries.
Earlybird registration is open now: For those with limited funds but available time, we have opportunities for volunteers to work at the conference – email [email protected] for more information.