
  1. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    Sleepy Kitten

    Cats are delicate creatures prone to many ailments. Insomnia is not one of them.

  2. AlbertaNerd says

    Cats know from an early age that they must conserve their energy so as to be ready for the revolution!

    …Insofar as “the revolution” consists of turning over to sleep on their other side.

    Now get to work, monkey! — That tummy isn’t going to rub itself!

  3. carolw says

    4th photo – belly belly belly!
    Does she like the belly rubs, or that a hand trap? I have one who likes them, and one who shreds you if you pet him even a half inch too far off from his spine.

  4. geocatherder says

    When I married, I took a man, his cat, and his motorcycle to be my companions forever. Both cat and motorcycle are long gone; the former to old age, the latter to a sale. It wasn’t fun to ride a motorcycle in our area anymore. But the cat…

    Odetta was all black (although her fur shown auburn in the sun) and she introduced me to the habits of cats. Though I was always a second to Husband (and she even tried to push me out of the bed when we were newly married) she was dear to my heart. She was also an expert mouser. Husband recalls an instance when she was sound asleep in his lap. She suddenly jumped out, shot over to the heater and came back with a mouse in her jaws.

    Odetta knew enough to kill her mice outright; I hope your cat turns out to be such a clever mouser.

  5. JohnS says

    We’d have a better world if more people had cats in their lives. I’m glad you and Pixel found each other.

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