Coitus interruptus.
Erotic induction.
…I swear this is a Nobel prize winning paper on bacterial gene regulation and not a nerdy porno script. Though just think what’s going to happen when I’m allowed to name things.
Feel free to share giggle inducing terms from your fields.
My fellow sociology goobers and I used to get a good laugh out of Phantasmagoria.. I always think it sounds like a magical kingdom with trolls and faeries and unicorns.
I have no idea what bacterial gene regulation is, but I can’t help thinking the author is trying to communicate something more…
Cleavage; dropping acid on the formation; tight hole; schistosity; piggyback thrusting.(I’m a geoscientist.)
“Big O” notation. You other Comp Sci peeps know what I’m talking about ;)
Plug and Play (Computer tech support)
I’m a mechanical engineer. My friends and I had a hell of a time with a machine design chapter on “Shafts and associated parts.” Betraying our immaturity, we also giggled in a programming class when the teachers talked about the “duty cycle.”
From physics:fluid dynamics,”penetrating the classically forbidden region”,Rabi flopping,Fock statesWhat really bothers me though is when people describe technical things as “cute”, “sexy”, or “anatomically correct”.
blow pipe, glory hole, moile, shaft collarglass blowing terms
I think it’s about time northwest nerds represent at the Hump Film Festival… (likely nsfw)
Some, probably a bit older, British engineers thought that a good abbreviation for “Bladed Rings” or “Blade Rings” would be. . .Blings. Cue titles like “High Performance Alloys for Bling Applications”.To be fair, people realized the double entendre fairly quickly and you rarely hear anyone say it anymore, it got replaced by the slightly-less-hilarious “Blisc” (bladed disc). (These are components for turbine engines, btw)
Well, it’s not exactly the same, but my students sometimes make mistakes looking stuff on the dictionary, or pronouncing words… A few examples:- trying to say ‘coconut’, they said something that sounded a lot more like ‘I poop’.- on a composition somebody used a feminine noun instead of a masculine, and wrote ‘the man is white, his head is black’ … of course the head wasn’t the one above the neck.- a gay guy who forgot something in his backpack asked another guy ‘can you open me behind?’- the verb ‘to enjoy’ is really difficult to translate since we don’t have the same exact word . The dictionary lists ‘to get aroused’ as one of the possible options. I remember a student who said ‘I get aroused making bread’ ….I really love my job. :D
The “Hairy Ball Theorem” has to be a winner.
Looking up the manual page for mount in unix: ‘man mount’
Why was the first thing I thought of “Sexlexia”?
Group oral was always fun (I studied foreign languages).
A friend studying biochemistry was excited to hear of Erotic Acid, before getting disappointed to discover it’s spelled ‘Orotic’.
Jen, I know I’ve told you this before, but I almost lost it when we learned about “Cleveland Steamers” in my restaurant equipment class. Still makes me giggle thinking about it.
During proofing, I noticed the following sentence in the ‘Milestones’ section one of my scopes for a data integration project. I’d written the following without even realizing.TBC [date]: In-depth analysis of customer’s back-end by [consultant name] to determine optimal insertion point….I did a quick find/replace that changed ‘back-end’ to ‘ERP’ and all was well.Proofing documents is for more than just typos. ^_^
Now I’m waiting for a gynecologist to post. I bet they know all kinds if amusing and rude sounding scientific terms.
The electron is a perverted god: it fits in both holes at the same time. Oh, and the mnemonic for amphoteric substances is “they swing both ways”. xD And don’t even let me get started on the excited states of aromatic rings…Yeah, me and my friends had a lot of fun at classes…(btw, this site was ACTUAL bibliography for my chemistry introduction lab:… )
oral exercises.
From primatology– scientists refer to male g-g rubbing in bonobos as “swordfighting.”
See, here in Canada, cunnilingus can be translated as “Honey, you’re doing great but did you remember to bring me some poutine for afterwards?”. Really, I swear.
My fellow musician friends–especially string players–and I like to talk about our G strings. I’ve also had some good discussions about correct fingerings and how best to change positions. And once a non-musician friend walked into the middle of a conversation about how I needed to improve my aural skills and was sorely disappointed when I explained what we were really talking about.
No terms really, but we do have a box at work labelled “Fagile – Golden Ass Hats”. Photographic evidence provided:…
And by “fagile” I, of course, mean “fragile”.*cough*
Nothing near as giggle-inducing or purely awesome as those, but some of my compatriots in the studio like to sharpen their knives with mineral oil. The label on one of them said (and I’m not kidding) “Laxative / Lubricant.” It was the cause of much innuendo in today’s reed class, mostly perpetrated by the professor who said she would “try and be the adult here” (ha).
We were going over hybridization probing and the next day, to review, my genetics professor said, “Are we all comfortable with probing?”
Dammit, I played violin for 8 years and never noticed ‘changing positions’ sounded weird…..Brass players have their own set of funny sounding words;’tounging’ (sp?)comes to mind.
In econometrics, (and other fields) a variable with only two possible options is called a ‘dummy variable’ – it takes either 1 or 0 as a value. And of course, one of the fairly common things to want to study is if men or women do x or y with more frequency. So the phrase ‘sex dummy’ comes up surprisingly often.
Unfortunately, I’m in Engineering. I assume it gets better but right now I’m left snickering at “apply a load to the beam” or the like. :(
In discussions of computer operating systems, processes have tables defining the structure of their address space. The tables get a lot more complex when the process executes a fork() call, which entangles its address tables with that of a new process. When the tables are simple and clean it’s a ‘virgin’ address space. So, yes, a virgin address space is one that hasn’t been fork()ed. Also, a process creates a child process by fork()ing. I’m not making this up…[Edit : see also ]
One word: ejaculomics. Not accepted in the community at large, but certainly used. I believe first used in the context of studies of reproduction in fruit flies.
Someone in my department just presented a poster on ejaculomics, and we talked about it for a while. Small world :D
O-kay… Starting to see what Jen was on about a few posts ago about having a surprisingly well-educated readership.Quite a diverse range of disciplines/professions on display too.
I work in a TV studio. After spending oodles of money on a new set, we created a camera shot that took in as much of the new set as possible…yup, we call it the Money Shot.
I think I caught Coitus interruptus from one of my old girlfriends once…:-)
Penetration testing.
A friend of mine studying biology once told be about invagination.
*meProofreading. Better done before clicking the “Post” button. >.<
Oh hell, there was something in class Monday. What was it? Oh, right. A lecture on culture and diversity and another woman in my cohort mentioned the ‘tossed salad’ theory of American diversity (in contrast to the melting pot). Gets me every time.
In signal processing we have Wiener filters and Wiener processes.
I have a good friend that used to be a high school teacher in a rural (and quite poor) school district. The students were having a hard time grasping the 4 stages of a 4 stroke internal combustion engine. Following the students lead on “4 stroke”, she came up with a mnemonic device for “intake, compression, combustion, exhaust”: “suck, squeeze, bang, blow”
“Vagina”I’m in medicine.
When I was at school the electronics lab had some kit made by these people.
Not from school but the company I work for is a classified/auction site for scientific and medical equipment. I giggle when we get ads for anal reamers or semen tanks… my favorite was the ‘Redundant Condom Machine’. Many of my co-workers giggled when I looked up, confused, and said ‘Why would anyone want to make redundant condoms?’
“It may be … appropriate to say that estuaries are something like pornography—hard to define exactly, but we know one when we see one.”
Okay, it does get better: the Rockwell hardness testing machine has “penetrator” and “load applied” scales right next to each other.
Homomorphism (from mathematics – most often used in algebra, but is common enough in pure math). I always abbreviate isomorphism as iso, but I can’t bring myself to abbreviate the former even if it’s for my own notes.
I don’t have anything particularly giggle inducing from my field off the top of my head. Possibly there are giggle-worthy words but I’ve become too jaded to notice. But a friend of mine once graded an undergraduate paper in which the student had let the spellcheck replace all occurrences of enzyme with enema. That’s fairly giggle-worthy.
Sorry, in film studies we get stuck with technical or the psychological and Frudian terms. “Fallic”, “fallos” and so on is funny at first but gets old real quick.But there was one film we saw where the female main characters lay in bed and ate bananas and sasuges… with scissors, slowly cutting them to pieces. That was funny.
That’s right.. I tend to giggle at hardness testers too.
I’ll recycle one of my favorites from Christopher Taylor, the taxonomist:”In 1954, Roewer described a new species of harvestman named Metagagrella mysoreana (so named, I assume, because it came from Mysore). Metagagrella has since been synonymised with the older genus name Psathyropus, but most of the appropriate new combinations have not yet appeared in print. I was just entering in names for the Psathyropus section of the Palpatores nomenclator, which requires me to form said new combinations. However, because Psathyropus is a masculine name, I had to correct species name genders.”from:…
Another musician here. Aural/oral, G strings, etc. are all fairly amusing. Fingering, tonguing, even double-tonguing!… um… that’s all I can think of right now.
Well, poot. All I can do from (one of) my career fields is imaginary numbers. (Electrical engineering)
In Developmental Biology, you can tell the genes that came from Drosophila because they tend to have funky names like “Lunatic Fringe” and “Sonic Hedgehog”. Also, we use the term “invagination” so often (it’s a fairly basic morphogenetic movement) that it often surprises me when people think it sounds dirty.If you want rude, there’s always the mnemonic for the cranial nerves: “Oh, oh, oh, to touch and feel virginal girls vaginas and hymens.” (olfactory, optic, occulomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal if memory serves correctly – bear in mind it’s been five years since I did anatomy, so dirty mnemonics definitely work ^_^)Also, I made a t-shirt for my friend with “proteolytic” across the bust (as in, “this cleavage is…”)I also (waaaay back in the day) studied architecture for a short while. Apparently one guy spent an entire presentation talking about how he was going have a “giant erection” in the middle of his design, with both him and the tutors completely straight faced while two other students were barely able to stop cracking up…
“Let’s put some loads here.” -Statics professor.
…then he started talking about “cutting members in half.” O.O
There is always the resistor color code mnemonic phrase “Bad Boys…But Violet….”I surprised no comp sci folks said bits, nibbles and bytes. “Words” too, but that’s not snark worthy.
MBDA is building a new missile designed to destroy “hard and deeply buried targets”. Its name: HARDBUT Penetrator