New art contest: Celestial soul portraits

My sister-in-law Erin has linked me to what must be the most fabulous thing to ever grace the internet: Celestial Soul Portraits! An artist will do a “magical” portrait of you by taking “normal” photos that represent “the real you,” getting “your unique essence,” and “transforming” it into a Celestial Soul Portrait (his use of quotes, not mine). …For a small price of $150. But don’t let that bother you, look how fabulous they are!

I’m dying. They’re so horrible they’re awesome. It’s like Lisa Frank got high on shrooms and discovered Photoshop. I love it.

Your challenge: Make me your own Celestial Soul Portrait! Do a self portrait, do one of a celebrity, do one of me – I don’t care. The most creative/lol-tastic/well-done one will win a doodle from me.

The only rule is that you should link to both the before and after photo for the full effect. Oh, and from what I’ve seen so far, I think “your unique essence” has to somehow include rainbows. Use caution when “transforming” flamboyant gays – their portraits may result in blindness and/or diabetes.

This is post 23 of 49 of Blogathon. Pledge a donation to the Secular Student Alliance here.


  1. LS says

    Flamboyant individuals would simply be DOUBLE rainbow, all the way.(I have degenerated to simply replying with memes, apparently.)

  2. LS says

    Those actually look really cool…but I’d appreciate it if the article actually showed one of them up close. An article about art with all the art being in the background of pictures of the artist isn’t really effective. Yes, he’s Nimoy, yes we love him, but I want to appreciate his work, not his still-stunning good looks.

  3. Dae says

    That has GOT to be a joke… I hope. Some teenagers were bored one day and said “let’s think of something preposterous to sell, make a website for it, and see how many people bite!” That has to be it. Please let that be it.

  4. jeroenemans says

    do not forget Iasos is also a gifted musician, capable of playing 2 (two) keyboards at the same time!

    btw ladies: his facebook marital status is ” it’s complicated”, so grab your chances~!

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