Blagging protips from ERV

If you read Pharyngula, you’re probably up to date on Virginia Heffernan’s random diatribe about Pepsigate and various ScienceBloggers (If you don’t read Pharyngula…what?). Instead of joining the pile of people who are debunking all of her factually incorrect statements, the always amusingly insightful ERV decided to share some of her “Blagging Protips”:

Go outside and ask 100 people who PZ Myers is. Who Dave Munger is. Who Mark Hoofnagle or GrrlScientist is. If you get one damn person whos like ‘Oh! I read their blog!’, then I will be shocked. We are a very specific niche of people on the internet. Normal, average NYT readers have no damn idea who these people are, and Heffernan did not give them links to figure it out, or links to posts so her readers could make their own decisions about the blog posts she was demeaning.

…Lets be honest. Its painfully obvious that this article is just Heffernan using PepsiBlog as an excuse to bitch about online personalities at ScienceBlogs she personally doesnt like for some reason. She knows absolutely nothing about science or science blogging. So Virginia Heffernan is the journalistic equivalent of a 16 year-old girl bitching about treefrog1985 and TheRock33 on livejournal in 1999.

Hey, as someone who was once a 16 year old bitching on Livejournal, I’m offended! If anything Heffernan’s rambling was more similar to my 13 year old word vomitting on Xanga.

Go read the rest of ERV’s post for more hilarity and (seriously) useful blogging tips.

This is post 11 of 49 of Blogathon. Pledge a donation to the Secular Student Alliance here.


  1. LS says

    “Hey, as someone who was once a 16 year old bitching on Livejournal, I’m offended! If anything Heffernan’s rambling was more similar to my 13 year old word vomitting on Xanga.”Seconded. >:(

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