Man, I wish I would have had this before I attended that Porn & Popcorn event. Would have made it a lot more tolerable to yell “Bingo!” halfway through (click for larger).
Of course, that blog entry is still getting spammy anti-porn and anti-me trolls posting from who knows where. Maybe I should just play bingo with those comments – probably could get a blackout fairly quickly.
(Hat tip to Lauren, Via Feminisnt (Warning, NSFW))
sidfaiwu says
I love it! It take no time at all to get a bingo if you bring this topic up almost anywhere.
sidfaiwu says
I love it! It take no time at all to get a bingo if you bring this topic up almost anywhere.
Mike Brownstein says
I very well think we filled the board completely on Porn & Popcorn night.
Mike Brownstein says
I very well think we filled the board completely on Porn & Popcorn night.
chicagomolly says
I had a friend some years back who identified as a very political Capital-F Feminist. She was also a Card-Carrying Member of The ACLU. Until she read a newspaper article about Christie Hefner awarding the ACLU with a check from the Playboy Foundation for their work on First Amendment cases. Then the fertilizer hit the ventilator: Playboy equals exploitation of women equals violence against women equals pornography equals rape therefore the ACLU is now in favor of rape. And she tore up her membership card and refused to have anything more to do with them.
chicagomolly says
I had a friend some years back who identified as a very political Capital-F Feminist. She was also a Card-Carrying Member of The ACLU. Until she read a newspaper article about Christie Hefner awarding the ACLU with a check from the Playboy Foundation for their work on First Amendment cases. Then the fertilizer hit the ventilator: Playboy equals exploitation of women equals violence against women equals pornography equals rape therefore the ACLU is now in favor of rape. And she tore up her membership card and refused to have anything more to do with them.
Z Cole says
I'm confused by this post. Are you coyly suggesting that watching porn *doesn't* turn all men in raging psychopaths? Then how do you explain the three kittens I drowned in battery acid after watching a Jenna Jameson DVD? HOW DO YOU???
Z Cole says
I’m confused by this post. Are you coyly suggesting that watching porn *doesn’t* turn all men in raging psychopaths? Then how do you explain the three kittens I drowned in battery acid after watching a Jenna Jameson DVD? HOW DO YOU???
Hugo Grinebiter says
@ChicagoMolly: That's an unnecessarily long-winded equation. In my country they just say that buying sexual services and viewing porn is violence against women. The former is a criminal offence.(In the country next door, Steig Larsson equated purchasing sexual services with raping and torturing women to death; perhaps they've toned that down in the movies, I don't intend to see them.) There isn't the sort of debate that would result in the bingo board, and the expression "sex worker" is unthinkable here. I think "violence against women" covers criticism too.
Hugo Grinebiter says
@ChicagoMolly: That’s an unnecessarily long-winded equation. In my country they just say that buying sexual services and viewing porn is violence against women. The former is a criminal offence.(In the country next door, Steig Larsson equated purchasing sexual services with raping and torturing women to death; perhaps they’ve toned that down in the movies, I don’t intend to see them.) There isn’t the sort of debate that would result in the bingo board, and the expression “sex worker” is unthinkable here. I think “violence against women” covers criticism too.
Alex Strinka says
Just remember: Sex is an evil, dirty, nasty thing that you should do only with someone you love very very much.
Alex Strinka says
Just remember: Sex is an evil, dirty, nasty thing that you should do only with someone you love very very much.
Krystal says
They forgot "all sex work is rape". Other than that, perfection.
Fucking brilliant. I'm a sex worker and I have heard all of this far more than you can imagine.
Krystal says
They forgot “all sex work is rape”. Other than that, perfection.Fucking brilliant. I’m a sex worker and I have heard all of this far more than you can imagine.
Hugo Grinebiter says
@Krystal: if you come here and work, and then tell the authorities you've been trafficked, you'll get a residence & work permit, retraining as a manicurist and a welfare grant income to fill the gap. All you have to do to get the loot is snitch on your trafficker, you know, the guy who hit you on the head, smuggled you in a container and shackled you to the bed with your legs open. If you can't, because you don't actually have one and/or that didn't happen, you won't be believed, and may then be deported. Creates a nice unbiased sample on which to base the ranting, what?
So, if you like cities with astonishing natural beauty, that is, whenever it's not raining, like Seattle but worse, c'mon over. Summer is expected to fall on a Thursday this year. :-)
Hugo Grinebiter says
@Krystal: if you come here and work, and then tell the authorities you’ve been trafficked, you’ll get a residence & work permit, retraining as a manicurist and a welfare grant income to fill the gap. All you have to do to get the loot is snitch on your trafficker, you know, the guy who hit you on the head, smuggled you in a container and shackled you to the bed with your legs open. If you can’t, because you don’t actually have one and/or that didn’t happen, you won’t be believed, and may then be deported. Creates a nice unbiased sample on which to base the ranting, what? So, if you like cities with astonishing natural beauty, that is, whenever it’s not raining, like Seattle but worse, c’mon over. Summer is expected to fall on a Thursday this year. :-)
Scott says
This reminds me of a few weeks ago when, I think it was Georgia, was trying to pass a rule where rather than getting help, therapy, or a second chance, any woman caught selling her body would be prosecuted as a prostitute.
It basically ignored that there's a difference between an up-scale call girl that makes hundreds of dollars an hour and may just do it because she enjoys the sex, and a woman who has to sell her body just to eat because she has no skills and no chance to find a stable job.
Scott says
This reminds me of a few weeks ago when, I think it was Georgia, was trying to pass a rule where rather than getting help, therapy, or a second chance, any woman caught selling her body would be prosecuted as a prostitute.It basically ignored that there’s a difference between an up-scale call girl that makes hundreds of dollars an hour and may just do it because she enjoys the sex, and a woman who has to sell her body just to eat because she has no skills and no chance to find a stable job.
jemand says
@Scott, so, like, since any job requires residence in a physical body or you can't do it… women aren't allowed to work anymore right? Sure the fundies will be happy now.
ALL work is in some way and to some level selling something about yourself in return for other things. It should be the individual's choice how and what, within reasonable work safety guidelines.
jemand says
@Scott, so, like, since any job requires residence in a physical body or you can’t do it… women aren’t allowed to work anymore right? Sure the fundies will be happy now. ALL work is in some way and to some level selling something about yourself in return for other things. It should be the individual’s choice how and what, within reasonable work safety guidelines.
Hugo Grinebiter says
@Jemand: Yes, that particular phrase has always irritated me. If a woman meets a man and "sells her body", that ought to mean she goes home without her body and the man goes home with two. Wonder where sailors put all the extra bodies they buy on shore leave, and how do sex tourists get theirs past customs?
Moi, I sell my brain and fingers……..
Hugo Grinebiter says
@Jemand: Yes, that particular phrase has always irritated me. If a woman meets a man and “sells her body”, that ought to mean she goes home without her body and the man goes home with two. Wonder where sailors put all the extra bodies they buy on shore leave, and how do sex tourists get theirs past customs? Moi, I sell my brain and fingers……..
Valhar2000 says
Hugo: Yeah, that’s what I think when some idiot alleged-feminist brings up the “men who think they are entitled to buy women” line. What Johns are buying is a service; “buying women” is human trafficking, which is a different thing.