I don’t know if I’ll ever “officially close” the Most Influential Female Atheist of 2009 poll, but this much is clear: PZ Myers is clearly dominating the “Other” category (though he’s still near the bottom overall). Or should I say, Ms. Paula Z. Myers. What I find most amusing is that he specifically asked Pharyngulites to not write his name in – seems like he doesn’t have complete control of his followers, after all. Our twitter conversation amused me greatly:
Me: @pzmyers is currently winning the “Other” category for Most Influential Female Atheist. Oh pharyngulites
PZ: I told them not to! RT @jennifurret: @pzmyers is currently winning the “Other” category for Most Influential Female Atheist.
PZ: So, @jennifurret , if I win…I don’t have to get That Operation, do I?
Me: @pzmyers Yes, yes you do. You better get control of your minions quickly, or I’ll be waiting for a photo of you in a dress
Me: @pzmyers Is still winning “Other” for Most Influential Female Atheist. When do I get the photo of him in a dress?
PZ: I think my mom has one. I’ll see if I can find it when I visit late this month RT @jennifurret: When do I get the photo of him in a dress?
And my favorite comment over at Pharyngula:
I’m not sure which is more intriguing: How Jen makes Little Pee Zed do it, or (assuming she succeeds) What Little Pee Zed then looks like. On the other hand, I’m not entirely certain I want to see pictures of either the convincing or the result…
The former will remain a mystery (insert evil cackling here). But joshing gets a million internet points for giving us a sneak preview of the latter:Excellent choice of dress, if I do say so myself!
Craig says
[kɹeɪ̯ɡ̊] says
Leah says
Hahahahahaha!!! I love it!!!
Leah Elliott Hauge says
Hahahahahaha!!! I love it!!!
Sili says
I'm still waiting for him and Mehta to get around to doing that penis jousting he suggested.
Sili says
I’m still waiting for him and Mehta to get around to doing that penis jousting he suggested.
Jen says
Where was such penis jousting suggested? I feel like I missed something very important
Jen says
Where was such penis jousting suggested? I feel like I missed something very important
The Jules says
There really is no god!
The Jules says
There really is no god!
Laura says
HA! Now THAT, that is awesome. :D
Laura says
HA! Now THAT, that is awesome. :D
Sili says
And you call yourself a pervert?
"Or we could do like sea slugs and engage in some fierce penis fencing."
Sili says
And you call yourself a pervert?”Or we could do like sea slugs and engage in some fierce penis fencing.”
Nameless Cynic says
though he's still near the bottom overall
Huh. Would've thought that one of the most in-your-face atheists around would have been a top.
Well, live and learn, I guess.
Nameless Cynic says
though he’s still near the bottom overallHuh. Would’ve thought that one of the most in-your-face atheists around would have been a top.Well, live and learn, I guess.
John W. Loftus says
Over at Debunking Christianity I finally have a pool that PZ Myers can't win in all categories.
We've got him now.
John W. Loftus says
Over at Debunking Christianity I finally have a pool that PZ Myers can’t win in all categories.We’ve got him now.Cheers
John W. Loftus says
That's poll!
John W. Loftus says
That’s poll!
Must atheist women have beards? Oh, joy.
Must atheist women have beards? Oh, joy.
mothwentbad says
mothwentbad says
Anonymous says
I think he looks VERY fetching. But then, I am a leg man.
Anonymous says
I think he looks VERY fetching. But then, I am a leg man.
joshing says
Glad you've all enjoyed the image, as soon as I read the comments on the poll, I knew what had to be done!
joshing says
Glad you’ve all enjoyed the image, as soon as I read the comments on the poll, I knew what had to be done!
givesgoodemail says
Yeah. Pipe those gams!
givesgoodemail says
Yeah. Pipe those gams!
JimNorth says
Didn't the Wicked Witch of the East wear that hosiery?…
JimNorth says
Didn’t the Wicked Witch of the East wear that hosiery?…
Anonymous says
As they say, I'd tap that.
Anonymous says
As they say, I’d tap that.
Newfie says
The penis fencing should require outfits like that.
Guardian of the Poll says
Pharyngula is just a bunch of POLL FORNICATORS. They just love to fornicate polls and trash normal people.
Guardian of the Poll says
Pharyngula is just a bunch of POLL FORNICATORS. They just love to fornicate polls and trash normal people.
Anonymous says
That's a very pretty dress PZ has there.
Fart Blossom says
Everyone should go to Dispatches. They are discussing medicare paid government endorsed goober stretcher machines over there.
Fart Blossom says
Everyone should go to Dispatches. They are discussing medicare paid government endorsed goober stretcher machines over there.
Anonymous says
PZ clearly barely manages to control the horde. I complied with his command not to vote for him, but the remainder of his mimions, well I can not speak for them.
Anonymous says
PZ clearly barely manages to control the horde. I complied with his command not to vote for him, but the remainder of his mimions, well I can not speak for them.
Anonymous says
yeah, PZ clearly said (wink wink) don't vote for me (wink) in THIS POLL WHICH I'LL LINK RIGHT HERE
Anonymous says
yeah, PZ clearly said (wink wink) don’t vote for me (wink) in THIS POLL WHICH I’LL LINK RIGHT HERE
Anonymous says
Is that PZ's head on Amanda Palmer's body?
…thanks, whoever photoshopped that, you've ruined my Amanda Palmer fantasies now, damn you!
sasaya says
That's actually really cool!!AV,無碼,a片免費看,自拍貼圖,伊莉,微風論壇,成人聊天室,成人電影,成人文學,成人貼圖區,成人網站,一葉情貼圖片區,色情漫畫,言情小說,情色論壇,臺灣情色網,色情影片,色情,成人影城,080視訊聊天室,a片,A漫,h漫,麗的色遊戲,同志色教館,AV女優,SEX,咆哮小老鼠,85cc免費影片,正妹牆,ut聊天室,豆豆聊天室,聊天室,情色小說,aio,成人,微風成人,做愛,成人貼圖,18成人,嘟嘟成人網,aio交友愛情館,情色文學,色情小說,色情網站,情色,A片下載,嘟嘟情人色網,成人影片,成人圖片,成人文章,成人小說,成人漫畫,視訊聊天室,性愛,a片,AV女優,聊天室,情色