
Shaming myself by posting that video of us singing System of a Down has paid off – we tied for first! Ten more dollars goes to the Secular Student Alliance. Oh, what I’ll do for money. Er, I mean, charity. Um, just going to stop talking now.

Mark and Vanessa just went to get booze. I’m afraid.

This is post 27 of 49 of Blogathon. Pledge a donation to the Secular Student Alliance here.


  1. says

    Congratulations! That's one more person's trip to the Creation Museum that is paid for!

    And….uhoh. Recharge your camera. It might be interesting to see what happens next.

  2. says

    Congratulations! That’s one more person’s trip to the Creation Museum that is paid for!And….uhoh. Recharge your camera. It might be interesting to see what happens next.

  3. says

    Hahahaha. No doubt there. PS, it’s been really fun to follow your blog today. And it’s given me something to do.

  4. says

    Been great fun, except for that part where I had to be gone. ;_;

    NO MORE INTERRUPTIONS! (I think I'm starting to go nuts before you, unfortunately.)

  5. says

    Been great fun, except for that part where I had to be gone. ;_;NO MORE INTERRUPTIONS! (I think I’m starting to go nuts before you, unfortunately.)

  6. says

    Nah, I'm going nuts, but my filter is still in place. If you were in my apartment right now you'd see me randomly dancing around and singing.

    Give it a couple more hours, it'll seep into the blog. … Ew, that sounds dirty.

  7. says

    Nah, I’m going nuts, but my filter is still in place. If you were in my apartment right now you’d see me randomly dancing around and singing.Give it a couple more hours, it’ll seep into the blog. … Ew, that sounds dirty.

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