There is a god, and she hates me

So in less than 48 hours I:

– got a flat tire
– developed a bad cough
– failed to get my tire fixed at Walmart
– got trapped in said Walmart for almost 2 hours
– developed a fever
– didn’t sleep because of coughing and fever, even with Nyquil
– completely lost my voice
– had our water main break, so now we have to boil all of our water
– drank a glass of water before finding this out
– found out my flight to the Evolution conference in Idaho (which someone else booked for me) has a 9 hour layover in Seattle

I’m just waiting for the roof to collapse on me at this point. The fever bugs me the most. I hate the whole “I’m freezing where’s the blanket, jk now I’m sweating, omg I’m freezing again, nope now I’m hot” thing. To add insult to injury, I have Katy Perry’s “Hot N’ Cold” stuck in my head, even though I don’t think that song is supposed to be describing body temperature.



  1. says

    Walmartitis looks more like a curse than an infection.

    Perhaps you are the first true medium between the material and the spiritual!

    Go show the world your findings!

  2. says

    Walmartitis looks more like a curse than an infection.Perhaps you are the first true medium between the material and the spiritual!Go show the world your findings!

  3. says

    Yeah, I just got over a lovely two-week flu which involved a fever. To make matters worse, the nurse looked at me the day I acquired said flu and determined that I was 100% healthy, thus refusing to give me a Get Out Of Doing A Presentation And A Ten Page Paper Free card. Which meant that I had a fever, aches all over, etc…and I had to give a presentation on botnets. Then write a ten page paper due the next day.

    Got a 99% on the presentation and an A in the class with the paper, somehow. So I guess it all worked out. As it will with you. Get better soon!

  4. says

    Yeah, I just got over a lovely two-week flu which involved a fever. To make matters worse, the nurse looked at me the day I acquired said flu and determined that I was 100% healthy, thus refusing to give me a Get Out Of Doing A Presentation And A Ten Page Paper Free card. Which meant that I had a fever, aches all over, etc…and I had to give a presentation on botnets. Then write a ten page paper due the next day.Got a 99% on the presentation and an A in the class with the paper, somehow. So I guess it all worked out. As it will with you. Get better soon!

  5. Slug Bug says

    All these things happening with in 48 hrs is not a coincidence. It proves there is a god that hates atheists!

  6. Anonymous says

    Will you be able to go out of the airport and wander around Seattle during your 9 hour layover?

  7. Anonymous says

    Will you be able to go out of the airport and wander around Seattle during your 9 hour layover?

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