Activist movements are infiltrated by law enforcement. This isn’t really a secret anymore (though law enforcement tend to be selective about when they’ll admit they’re doing it) and it’s commonly accepted that militant participants in the movement are probably spies. If not cops themselves, law enforcement will sometimes “flip” true believers by offering immunity or plea bargains for a prosecution being planned against movements. Courtney Desiree Morris notes a common link between informants in previous movements: Misogyny.
On Democracy Now! Malik Rahim, former Black Panther and cofounder of Common Ground in New Orleans, spoke about how devastated he was by Darby’s revelation that he was an FBI informant. Several times he stated that his heart had been broken. He especially lamented all of the “young ladies” who left Common Ground as a result of Darby’s domineering, aggressive style of organizing. And when those “young ladies” complained? Well, their concerns likely fell on sympathetic but ultimately unresponsive ears—everything may have been true, and after the fact everyone admits how disruptive Darby was, quick to suggest violent, ill-conceived direct-action schemes that endangered everyone he worked with. There were even claims of Darby sexually assaulting female organizers at Common Ground and in general being dismissive of women working in the organization. [2] Darby created conflict in all of the organizations he worked with, yet people were hesitant to hold him accountable because of his history and reputation as an organizer and his “dedication” to “the work.” People continued to defend him until he outed himself as an FBI informant. Even Rahim, for all of his guilt and angst, chose to leave Darby in charge of Common Ground although every time there was conflict in the organization it seemed to involve Darby.
Maybe if organizers made collective accountability around gender violence a central part of our practices we could neutralize people who are working on behalf of the state to undermine our struggles. I’m not talking about witch hunts; I’m talking about organizing in such a way that we nip a potential Brandon Darby in the bud before he can hurt more people. Informants are hard to spot, but my guess is that where there is smoke there is fire, and someone who creates chaos wherever he goes is either an informant or an irresponsible, unaccountable time bomb who can be unintentionally as effective at undermining social-justice organizing as an informant. Ultimately they both do the work of the state and need to be held accountable.
On the plus side, it doesn’t really matter if someone creating tension and pain in the movement is an informant or not–organizing stands to benefit from those who treat their people right regardless.
Read more here.
Back in my, uhm, more active activist days, the German Verfassungsschutz*tried to recruit a comrade of mine.
They knew everything
They knew that his bank account had seen better days, and that pending investigation for a small amount of weed? A conviction would really get him into trouble, him being a nurse, they could help him in getting the charges dropped…
*Notoriously blind on the right eye and famous for somehow always “infiltrating” right wing groups but never getting results (more like the infiltration goes the other way round)
But yeah, it’s the good old dismissal of women, which also makes this tactic so effective: Men in leadership underestimate how crucial women are for their organisation. That shit wouldn’t work if those leaders didn’t think women are expendable in the first place.
I don’t know what it’s like in Canada, but in the US, the FBI’s confidential informants are people they picked up and “flipped” [stderr] – fairly often they’re not nice, or honest, or good people. Yet, somehow their testimony is acceptable? The confidential informants are the bomb-makers and drug-dealers that got caught, that’s all.
@2 Marcus Ranum
Somehow when these qualities exist in cishet men they’re worth putting up with because of the “value of his work.” What the calculation always seems to miss is what everyone who can’t or won’t put up with it could have offered. Even if they don’t turn out to be a snitch, they’re a liability either way.