That’s not how any of this works

Sophie Trudeau, the Prime Minister’s wife, has a message for us on International Women’s Day:

Are you ready to ignite change? This week, as we mark International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the boys and men in our lives who encourage us to be who we truly are, who treat girls & women with respect, and who aren’t afraid to speak up in front of others. Take a picture holding hands with your male ally & share it on social media using the hashtag #TomorrowInHand. Together, we can create a movement that inspires more men to join the fight to build a better tomorrow with equal rights & opportunities for everyone… because #EqualityMatters.

To which I say:

No. Men have cooties.




  1. Saad says

    Giliell, #1

    It’s international women’s day and she wants us to literally and figuratively bake cookies for the men who manage not to be violent?

    You always have the best rewordings :D

    Trudeau’s message almost reads like a passage from The Onion.

  2. Saad says

    Siobhan, #4

    Oh goodness.

    I love the Eminem one. Great point behind the comedy in that one.