Navigating life with schizoaffective disorder has left me with more questions than answers. I’ve had this mental illness most of my life and still don’t have it figured out. I have a hard time – more than what I let people see.
When you have a mental illness it’s easy to feel different, maybe even like an outcast, but how different am I truly from the average person?
I tell my story through art and writing, and I’ve always got this sense that people don’t understand or they understand all too well…like there’s not much in between.
My emotions are very intense. Are yours? Are my feelings really any different than anyone else’s?
Of course, I feel like people treat me differently, especially if they know my diagnosis, but are there times when I want to be treated differently? My employer often makes accommodations for me, but I’d like to think they would do that for anyone who needed it. I work for a mental health organization and my boss and coworkers are very understanding. I feel like it would be difficult for me to work outside of the mental health field.
My mental illness is mentioned in my artist statement. It not only affects the subject of my paintings but also the way I make my paintings. I always hope people will find my story interesting, but as an artist, I really don’t know if it has affected whether or not people accept my work.
On the other hand, I’ve dealt with a lot of stigma, from strangers and even my family. Why are people so judgemental? I want to prove the stigma wrong, and despite everything I do and have accomplished, some people won’t even give me a chance. It’s best to stay away.
So maybe feeling different has had both positive and negative experiences for me.
Do you feel like you’re different? Do you want to be different? How does it affect you? I’m sure different people deal with all kinds of stereotypes. I know I’m not alone in this but it still hurts nonetheless. Most of us have probably felt judged, left out, or like the black sheep at some point in our lives.
Do you have the confidence to be different and thrive? Do you believe in your abilities?
Do you need to be different to be successful? Does it pay to be different but not too different?
Are you unapologetically you? How do you stay true to yourself in a world full of judgment?
How do I teach my daughter to do the same?
I would love to hear your stories, whether you have a diagnosis or label or not. How do you feel different and how does it affect your life?