Over at Evangelical Realism, we’re discussing Pastor Stephen Feinstein’s claims regarding Christianity, worldviews, and what he says are the inherent inconsistencies and irrationalities of the atheistic worldview (which according to Pastor Feinstein is a single, well-defined worldview with a distinct set of unique and identifiable properties). I expect some of you will enjoy that sort of thing. I know I do.
The most satisfying thing about all this is that the guy who repeatedly claimed to possess divinely-revealed truth about how the world works and made grandiose claims about how he was really going to show those evil atheists more or less shut his blog down after a single written debate with some guy who volunteers on an atheist call-in public access show in Austin (that’s not a shot at Russell, just pointing out it’s not like he went up against Stephen Hawking), going as far as disabling commenting on his final post soon after publishing it because he couldn’t handle people critiquing his crappy arguments.
Since then, as far as I can tell, ‘Pastor’ Feinstein has been completely silent. Won’t even respond to the good Deacon’s criticisms. That’s not the behavior of somebody who has the supposed Creator of life, the universe, and everything on his side.
Actually it is. Which is why it gets difficult to believe in a Creator of life, the universe and everything if he won’t help out with the small stuff like making His Creation coherent enough to be able to mount a convincing argument for His existence.