Rick Tyler, an independent Congressional candidate for Tennessee’s 3rd district, is facing a boycott of his restaurant business after he advertised his candidacy with racist billboard messages like “Make America White Again.”
In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Tennessee resident Amy Hines Woody expressed her outrage by posting a photo of the “Make America White Again” sign, WTVC reported.
“This disgusting bunch of bigotry was erected about 20 minutes from our house,” she wrote, noting that Tyler owned Whitewater Grill in Ocoee. “Please, if you are the decent and loving people I know you to be, boycott this business.”
A Web address on the billboard redirects to Tyler’s campaign website, which explains that the candidate chose a sign that “is difficult to ignore and its message comes across as authoritative and influential.”
Tyler also suggests that his billboard is based on Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.
Difficult to ignore? Yeah, okay, I’ll say that much is so. Authoritative and influential? Well…perhaps in a Nazi-ish manner. Mostly, Mr. Tyler, it comes across as the same old bigotry, with a healthy helping of asshole whine added in.
“Of great significance, as well, is the reality of the Trump phenomenon and the manner in which he has loosened up the overall spectrum of political discourse,” he noted. “The Make America White Again billboard advertisement will cut to the very core and marrow of what plagues us as a nation.”
Oh FFS, the mealy mouthness! Yes, Trump has brought bigotry back into popularity, and rather than bigoted assholes feeling rather shamed, they are screaming, having fits of hysterics, and collecting guns even more. The very core and marrow of what plagues us…yeah, that would be brown people, right? I rather expect all the pasty queer people will have to go too.
A second sign used words from Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech along with an illustration of the Confederate flag surrounding the White House.
If I ever manage to find my eyebrows after they fell off the back of my head, I might then gather up my jaw from somewhere on the floor. What. In. The. Fuck.
Oh, here it is, folks, via Daily Kos:
Tyler said that he planned to put up other billboards, including “Fight federal tyranny / Stop the Muslim invasion” and “Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be miscegenators.”
Jesus Fuck, it gets worse.
The candidate told WRCB-TV that he did not hate people of color, but wanted to return to a “1960s, Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver time when there were no break-ins; no violent crime; no mass immigration.”
Aauuuuggghhh no no no no no no. People this fucking ignorant should just have to leave. I don’t care where they go, just go. 1960s Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver was television, you scant-brained asshole. uStates was not stuffed to the gills with benign papas smoking pipes who always had time for their children, with wives maintaining sparkling clean houses and cooking vast meals in dresses, fuck me heels, and pearls. There were plenty of break-ins, a lot of crime, actually, violent and otherwise, and as for mass immigration? Holy shit, just go away.
Via Raw Story.