Well, sitting in a chair making tiny movements is something that still works, so I made jewelry, what else…
This set predates my Covid infection. It’s polymer clay with so called silkscreen stencils.
Who’s a good little fire demon? Calcifer from Howl’s Moving Castle is one of the sweetest half-villains ever conceived.
Come swimming in a sea of flowers. Yes, those roses are hand made. Yes, I know. My sister got a matching pair.
Come to the beach with me. This was a cane made after a Youtube tutorial and I really like the results.
And last but not least, some beadwork: The Sungoddess
You have an outstanding eye for color and design, very agile fingers, and more patience than I could ever muster. Such beautiful work!
Those are all very beautiful. I especially like the rose-covered turtles.
They are all lovely, but having played with polymer clay I am particularly impressed with the roses.
Those are nice! I did a few quilt designs during lockdown . I like doodling original quilt designs and I decided to actually make some . I sewed about 10 before I ran out of white fabric . These are all small quilts about the size of a large pillowcase
I was so enamored of your tiny roses it took me at least 30 seconds to notice they are on sea turtles. I squealed just a bit. How cute!!!