Winterfest Photofest

Welcome! Today we have 2 submissions that are all about looking at things close up, including a few birds and a wannabe bird at the end who will make you smile. Let’s go take a look.

First, a well-captured, tall bird with beautiful amber eyes from Pieter L. Harreman.  It reminds me of the heron who lives in or park, but the white hghlights of this bird make him look more dapper and elegant.

©Pieter L. Harreman, all rights reserved.


Next, a set of photos full of pattern and texture from the camera of Dan Cates. (you’ll be seeing more of Dan’s photos tomorrow on our Winterfest wrap-up)

©Don Cates, all rights reserved.A

©Don Cates, all rights reserved.

©Don Cates, all rights reserved.

©Don Cates, all rights reserved.

©Don Cates, all rights reserved.

©Don Cates, all rights reserved.

©Don Cates, all rights reserved.


©Don Cates, all rights reserved.

Thanks to you both for taking the time to send these photos in. They all make wonderful additions to our Winterfest collection.







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