Here’s the last pics from our night out. After that, Instead of walking back the short way to the train station we got off, the family voted to walk to the Plaza Catalunya and we got a bit lost on the way. We managed to catch the last train home which was kind of strange because you’d think that trains from the capital to the bigger cities around it would run through the night, especially on a Saturday, but shortly after midnight the train service ceases for the night. On that train I had one of the more frightening experiences. A young dude was standing in the aisle and suddenly took out a dagger style knife. I didn’t say a word, especially not to the tired kids and extra especially not to the dude so I wouldn’t catch his attention. He started “stabbing” the side of the train and I started to make plans in case of emergency, like putting my camera rucksack in front of my body and shifting my position to cover the kids.
Thankfully he then used his knife to cut off the top of a plastic bottle, took out some cheap wodka and lemonade and got even more drunk than he was before.
OK, back to the Sagrada Familia. I have no clue what happened here. I guess the light and the structure and the 2D nature of photography are playing a trick, because it definitely didn’t look like this, or I would have noticed.

©Giliell, all rights reserved Ok, looks like I didn’t accidentally walk of out a Mexican restaurant in Barcelona and ended up in Pisa.
With portable cameras, the focal plane tilts when you tilt the camera, so the camera records a distorted view of objects. You’re basically mapping what you see onto an angle. With an old style view camera you can correct that by keeping the film holder vertical and tipping the front lens -- but very few people carry or use view cameras anymore. Architectural photographers do, mostly, for this reason.
What Marcus said. One can “repair” these kinds of pictures with the perspective correction tools of your friendly image manipulation program, but it’s fiddly work and you will end up with a trapezoidal picture, which can be cropped back to rectangular shape without losing any important content if you’re lucky (that is there’s nothing important in the upper corner triangles).
For example I did some perspective correction in this> and this>, which explains the slightly wonky angles.
Nope, not going to “correct” any of it. How cool is a drunk cathedral dancing with the stars?
Giliell @ 3
The pictures need no correction, they stand and lean drunk and proud.
It’s just that I’ve “needed” to make corrections like that, to make some of my pictures to work. Perspective correction is a pain in the ass to do while editing, as it is hard to get all the angles right and it’s slow. Did I get in the splain, man, splain zone?
Psychedelic! You just don’t see pictures like that often enough.