Can You Spot the Parakeet?

A bit of fun from Avalus,

In my parents garden, we had a visitor recently: this young parakeet (I guess it is a rose-ringed one, Psittacula krameri). It was a bit roughed up by the neighbour’s cat, but it stood its ground and was not injured. The cat on the other hand has a new appreciation of sharp beaks, I guess. The bird did not mind us too much and tried to climb everything. We later had to save it from drowning in our rainwater barrel and it then for a while did not want leave the net on a stick we used on him. Still determined to climb something, it finally scaled our toolshed walls and a few hours later flapped away. The photos are a bit of a searching puzzle. 

©Avalus, all rights reserved. (Click for full-size)

©Avalus, all rights reserved. (click for full size)

©Avalus, all rights reserved. (click for full-size)


  1. johnson catman says

    Took me a few minutes to find him in the last pic. He is good! Or maybe, I am just not that good at the “Find X” puzzles.

  2. Ice Swimmer says

    The last one required a 24 inch display with 1920x1200 resolution (at school) and some magnification, before I was able to spot the parakeet.

    I think the first picture is extra cute.

  3. chigau (違う) says

    My default, when using “devices”, is to centre the subject.
    That is where I look first.
    It doesn’t alway work.

  4. avalus says

    Thanks all!
    @ Marcus: it is an insect house.

    @ Nightjar: In the rhine region there are a few stable poulations founded escapees. It’s parents observed the whole adventure from a safe distance.
    A few years ago, I had a group of parakeets in front of my kitchenwindow, taking refuge from the snow and watching me cook with great interest. I felt like I was in a tropical version of “Birds”. On the plus side, they keep the pidgeons away.

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