Dog Days

We seem to have got our summer early, although next week is supposed to cool down significantly. I am using this time to try not to melt and to gather materials for a few posts – still have the Skopje Aqueduct to present, then some things from Madrid (basically a series on fancy chandeliers), and a couple other things.

For the moment, though, I’m trying to get back into something like a routine after being sick and after the frequent travel – the good news is I have one more trip to Skopje during the second half of June, and then I get to not go anywhere for a couple of months at least. Looking forward to that, because I can’t get anything done in the summer anyway. Which seems to have arrived with a blast of hot air (30 in May, I’m sorry, too much!).

The heat also discourages Ronja from her usual energetic antics, so I got some nice poses, for your enjoyment. She’s a beauty. And she still hasn’t shed all her winter coat, no matter how much we brush her.

© rq, all rights reserved.

© rq, all rights reserved.

© rq, all rights reserved.

© rq, all rights reserved.

© rq, all rights reserved.


  1. voyager says

    I’m sorry about the heat, rq, but I’m glad to see Ronja. She’s a very beautiful girl and I might be falling a little bit in love with her.
    Tomorrow I’ll post something that might help you with that hair problem. It’s a Marcus solution and I don’t think he’ll mind if I share.

  2. Nightjar says

    Aww, Ronja! ♥

    We haven’t had any real heat wave yet, but I’m looking at the forecast for the next week and I’m afraid that’s about to change. The green is fading already in non-watered areas and a heat wave now might just finish it off for good. :(

  3. rq says

    We had some of that conversation here, and then I told a dog expert and agility trainer my theory and he basically laughed in my face. So I prefer to think she is still a Swedish Lapphund in some way, but to be honest, I just don’t know. Any theories?

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