Well, it’s another cold day here. The actual temp is -17 C, but with the wind chill it’s -28 C. Jack and I don’t stay outside too long on days like this. I can dress for the cold, but Jack can’t. I do have a jaunty red coat for the boy, but the only protection he has for his feet is a vaseline-like “dog boot.” I’ve tried real dog boots on Jack and it was hilarious for about a minute, which is how long it took for Jack to remove them. Sigh. Oh well, a shorter walk on a super cold day isn’t a hardship and at least today the sun is shining about as bright as it ever gets in January. Tomorrow promises to be the same, but Saturday the forecast is for +3 C and Sunday it could go as high as +10 C and then stay that warm for a few days. It’s all very confusing and I hope this weather won’t affect the maple syrup crop this year. It would be a shame for the trees to wake-up early only to be knocked on the head with a quick and lasting freeze again.
Keep warm Jack and voyager! He does look daper in his red coat.
Keep warm indeed and don’t get your feet wet!
Red suits Jack really well. It’s a bold colour.
Stay warm!
I really can’t complain. Right now we are having lots of wind and rain, but temperatures are staying between 10ºC and 15ºC. It’s normal weather. Next week the rain is predicted to stop and temperatures should drop a little at night but stay above 10ºC during the day. That’s normal weather too. I think on average January was warmer than what it’s supposed to be, but that’s to be expected.
I came here just to comment on Jack’s spiffy winterwear.
Also stay warm, both of you!