The finalists of the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards are out, and they’re a blast. Here’s a couple of my favourites:

© Achim Sterna/The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018

© Mary McGowan/The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018

© Roie Galitz/The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018

© Kallol Mukherjee/The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018
And lots more…
Today’s piece of music is more of a dance showcase, in the theme of colourful animals. Below the fold because spiders.
I love the preacher squirrel casting out demons… These are great and brought a much-needed smile to my face!
My favorite is the rhino with the peacock display. Great angle.
The rhino is my favourite, too. It looks like she’s wearing a tutu.
It is not a preacher, it is Emperor Palpatine! :D
The polar bear is muttering to itself about how those humans never stand still enough for a good photo, and how he can never get a good shot of their faces because they always turn their backs and run. Like, seriously, is it that hard to pose for a second more?
I can’t decide which I like best. Nor come to that what the pointing penguin is saying to the hunched penguin
“Did you see what he did? Did you? DID YOU?”
” GO! NOW! Don’t say another thing, just GO!”
I just love the spellcasting squirrel. That is just soooo cute.
I would vote for the spellcasting squirrel too, but they are all funny. I love the winged hyena at the link. :D
So fun. I think my favorites are the pictures wherein one animal seems exasperated by another’s behavior.