Mushroom Lollipops.

© C. Ford, all rights reserved.

© C. Ford, all rights reserved.

Obviously, not mushroom lollipops, but that was my first thought (put me in mind of Enoki shrooms) when I picked up my scrip for Phenergan (Promethazine), for nausea. It’s a gel, which is rubbed into the underside of my wrists.


  1. says

    Thank you, Marcus!

    Don, no acupressure, just a quick delivery system, and one which avoids swallowing pills, which is often difficult when you’re very nauseous.

  2. kestrel says

    Gotta love that delivery system, that’s a good way to do it. They look pretty but menacing at the same time, somehow. Well, here is hoping it works!

  3. says

    Kestrel, yes, it’s a good system, had an opportunity to use it yesterday. You can regulate the amount of gel used yourself; if it’s bad, use the whole thing, if not, just a bit. It worked well, and I was impressed with how fast it worked, too.

    I think the menacing vibe is the mushroom aspect; something like Day of the Triffids is lurking back there.

  4. jazzlet says

    Great delivery system, good that you control the dose and that it works so quickly, makes it easy to take more if you need to. Plus it’s such a wonderful colour.

  5. Nightjar says

    Brilliant title and I do love the colours and textures in the background.

    Glad to hear they work as intended too, getting nausea relief without having to swallow pills sounds like a good idea.

  6. voyager says

    I’m glad you finally found something that works. There’s not much worse than constant nausea.

  7. says

    Thank you all!

    I don’t have much nausea now, just a mild queasiness now and then, and this stuff works very well.

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