Liz “hot dog code” Crokin is at it again, this time railing against Wal-Mart and Target, who are selling a couple pizza based items. I hate to break it to you, Liz, but to artists, you lunatic fringe types are little but entertainment and a way to pay the bills. You should probably consider the fact that people are happily mocking you all, especially as what you think is the illuminati stuff is patterned after the engraving on our paper money. :D
Way to go @Target
Selling an Illuminati T-shirt with pedophile code for #HumanTraffickingAwarenessMonth is a new low even for YOU!🍕 #Qanon
— LIZ THE🌪IS HERE‼️🍕 (@LizCrokin) January 13, 2018
So @Walmart is selling an Illuminati tote w pedo code for #HumanTraffickingAwarenessMonth – they're flaunting child rape in our face!🍕#Qanon
— LIZ THE🌪IS HERE‼️🍕 (@LizCrokin) January 14, 2018
I do have a special kind of hatred reserved in my heart for people who make up shit about sexual abuse of children, because that kind of stuff has an effect. We cannot help to be desensitised and then people are less likely to believe actual victims.
Liz the ‘twister’ is here? As in ‘she twists absolutely everything to fit into her bizarre and ridiculous conspiracy theories?’
I would find that mildly amusing, if not for what Giliell points out at #1. Crokin (as well as Cernovich and Taylor and whoever else is promoting this vile garbage) is a terrible human being.
Giliell, yeah, I agree, and said as much in the Cernovich post. Crimes against children are all too common, and every time these morons shout “pedophiles”, they are taking attention away from all those children who are victims. This bullshit also focuses people on the idea that pedophilia and other child abuse is only committed by these “nebulous elites”, rather than mostly being abused within their own homes, often populated by those who would call themselves ‘good christians’.
You mean like those who chain their kids to beds?
When I first saw that story break on German news I immediately thought “Quiverful” and look and behold…
Real Americans only buy items with the flag & Jesus emblazoned on them!
Maybe that’s considered an added benefit? After all, many of the people touting this bizarre conspiracy fantasy are the same ones who fight tooth and nail to stop children learning about good touch/bad touch, or what sex and sexual contact actually are.
I think I’ve written about this before, but my abuser was a higher-up in the LDS, a family man, a leader of the community, and such a giving volunteer. (Okay, most Christians don’t consider Mormons to be Christians, but you get my meaning (I hope)).
Considering how many mormon relatives I have, yeah, I get it. Mormons consider themselves good christians.
What’s this Qanon hashtag supposed to mean?
You can get an idea here:
Christ on a bike… I’m tempted to say “these people are insane”, but I don’t want to tar insane people by association.
I’m sure they’d be horrified to learn that every Thursday in the B household is Pizza Thursday. As in, we have pizza for dinner on Thursdays.
What even is the alleged connection between pizza and pedophiles, anyway?
Caine @9:
WOW! I really did not know how deep the derp is in this country. Lunatic fringe does not even begin to describe it. Thanks, Reagan, for helping to destroy the mental health system.
Oh, and don’t read the comments there.
“I really did not know how deep the derp is in this country.
Read more:”
You’ll hate this comment, but I wonder if the loss of Net Nutrality will block the people making money by feeding ignorance to people.
While the internet has helped many people, like me, become more informed, I feel like it made even more people ignorant on an epic level that wasn’t possible before.
“Oh, and don’t read the comments there.”
Ugh, I read them.
Wow, they are utterly convinced that pizza = abuse. Just a direct line, no questions. Wow.
Don’t they eat Pizza?
How much conditioning does someone have to go through to be at that mental place?
I bet they have no idea about actual crimes against children. I’m sure here is no exception and it’s absolutely horrifying.
Caine @13 — I knew about pizzagate, I’m wondering where the original connection comes from. Or was it just made up, whole cloth?
Um, I have some vague idea it had to do with emails from John Podesta to…uh, maybe Clinton? Anyroad, the emails had a lot to do with food, Podesta is quite into giving dinner parties and such, and it went from there.
Ohhhh. It’s one of those things.