
  1. kestrel says

    I would guess some type of warbler. I think it also looks like a vireo, but I’m not sure… Seems more like a warbler.

  2. says

    It is probably female chaffinch. The light makes it somewhat more greenish looking than I am used to see, but it is definitively not greenfinch or siskin or citrilfinch.

  3. says

    Now that I throw the seeds the tits leave in the feeder on the ground, the chaffinches have descended in troves (the don’t like feeders but stick to the ground) and this one looks like them, but she was a first (probably a scout, I tell you…)

  4. says

    So after consulting my atlas at home, definitively female chaffinch.
    I have also observed that some birds are reluctant to visit the feeder, but they will gladly pick up whatever falls on the ground under it -- like yellowhammers, siskins and chaffinches too.

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