Oh, the right wing. So very gullible. You can make up anything, and they will swallow it whole so quickly, you wouldn’t have time to blink. There is such a twitchy desperation to believe anything negative about their self-defined enemies, they lie in wait, ready to pounce, on anything.
An anonymous but popular comedian on Twitter who tweets under the username “Krang T Nelson”—an homage to a cartoon character in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”—was suspended from Twitter after posting a satirical status mocking conservative fearmongering around a series of demonstrations organized by Refuse Fascism, a group separate from Antifa, scheduled for November 4. The user tweeted:
Twitter suspended the Krang T Nelson account after the post was reported by conservatives who believed the tweet was serious. Fellow Twitter comedian Tom Bloke then copied and pasted the since-removed tweet to his own profile to show solidarity. It didn’t take long for the worst right-wing pundits to seize the opportunity to embarrass themselves.
The Gateway Pundit’s White House reporter Lucian Wintrich reported on the satirical tweet reposted by Bloke as if it was a serious threat of “anti-white racism” against “white parents” and “small business owners.” Wintrich also identified Bloke as “one of the leaders of the domestic terrorist group ANTIFA,” which is a lie.
The Gateway Pundit went on and on about Antifa, not caring one whit that they were taken in. They have a graphic comparing Nazis to Antifa, and note:
Primarily comprised of white, pale-skinned, stick-thin men, and obese pimple-ridden women, Antifa hide behind masks to both disguise their grotesque appearances and to feel “united” with the others in their group.
Not only gullible, ignorant, and mis-informed, but so very juvenile, too.
Pro-Trump sycophant radio host Bill Mitchell shared the Gateway Pundit article with his followers:
Ian Miles Cheong got in on the re-tweet panic, too, and defended his panic when he was informed he was panicking over nothing at all. You can read about the whole mess at RWW, and they also provide a link to the new account of Krang.
Millions of antifa supersoldiers would be great! Let’s clear this shit up!
Hahahaha, oh, I agree. Where the hell do we find supersoldiers? How do we become supersoldiers? Is this anything like Universal Soldier?
I wonder who the panickers think composes the Antifa movement. I’m pretty sure most members are white. Do they think Antifa intends to cut off their own heads in the town square after they murder the parents and small business owners?
Going by this bit quoted in the OP:
One could get the idea that Antifa is composed of gargoyles. ;)