I Am So Very Sorry!

I’m fine, it’s my wireless that experienced sudden death, and left me stranded. My abrupt disappearance from the world didn’t elicit concern in my partner, and as I had recently turned my phone over to him so he could keep a specific number, I had no means of communication. I am so so sorry if you have been worried, it’s been driving me a bit over the edge. Anyroad, there wasn’t much to do except keep painting, which I’ve done, and as you can see, Vala the Brave has decided to be my enthusiastic assistant. She’s almost as good at making a mess as I am.

So, new wireless unit, and normal blogging will resume in the morning! (My Tuesday morn).  I have taken many bad flash photos of the latest horses, I’ll get those up today. Again, I am so sorry.


  1. says

    Yeah, I curse them all the damn time, too, with excellent reason. I am always impressed with just how they manage to make each unit upgrade stupider than the last.

  2. kestrel says

    Oh whew. I was thinking it was your back! But I should have known: we have a great deal of issues with our internet. Every time I think I have all the issues worked out, the company comes up with new and different issues. Well! It keeps the old problem solving skills sharpened.

    I despise Verizon and (probably not really very clever of me) refuse to do business with them. Don’t worry though, OTHER companies have issues too. So I’m not missing out on a thing.

  3. Tethys says

    Ah, welcome back to the internets. I’ve been peeking in all weekend, and am happy to hear that technical difficulties were the reason for your absence.

  4. says

    Kestrel, yeah, another of the joys of rural life, ennit? No one ever thinks about us. Things keeping me from the ‘net: Verizon or Death. ;D

    Thanks, Tethys! I’ve been half freaked out about the worry I was causing.

  5. says

    Thank you, Anne! It was a relief to put an end to worries. Vala is having a wonderful time playing at painting with me. :D

  6. says

    Well, it could have been worse! I do appreciate that cops weren’t called to break the door down, but I will make sure that PZ and Marcus have phone numbers to call, just in case.

  7. blf says

    It’s just good to know that you weren’t kidnapped by aliens.

    The main problem with being kidnapped by flying saucer pilots, according to the mildly deranged penguin, is the cheeseboards are often quite small. This necessitates frequent recheesing stops at previously cached MOONs (Massive Orbital Cheese Vaults, as abbreviated in poorly inscribed clay tablets) and saner planets, which tends to make hyperspacial journeys slow but tasty.

  8. Ice Swimmer says

    I’m happy that you’re OK! Fuck the Verizon!

    Power outage (more or less local), because of weather, blown main fuse or rats chewing out the last power cord of the computer, was the tech/infrastructure problem scenario I thought of.

  9. says

    Ice Swimmer, thank you! I’m glad to be back.

    Power outage (more or less local), because of weather, blown main fuse or rats chewing out the last power cord of the computer, was the tech/infrastructure problem scenario I thought of.

    :Laughs: All except for the rats killing the last power cord have happened! The power has been out a few times the last couple of days.

  10. johnson catman says

    Welcome back! Not knowing allows active imaginations to dream (or nightmare) up all kinds of scary scenarios. Glad that you are ok, and hope you were able to make productive use of the time.

  11. Onamission5 says

    Glad it was just technology and not other life-stuff. It is good to read your posts again!

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